Biomethane plant in Cavarzere, Green Energy appeals to the Veneto Regional Administrative Court

Reading time: 2 minutes approximately

Mayor Munari: “We will put all our good reasons into play”

Many hoped that Geo Engineering Srl/Cavarzere Green Energy Srl would stop in the face of a denial, albeit definitive and official, from the Region to the Ca’ Venier plant, even if not everyone believed it. The danger has not yet definitively passed, insisted the Environment and Development Committee, urging a certain caution before claiming victory.

The mayor’s arguments Pierfrancesco Munariin response to the Committee’s concern and to reassure the population were and remain current and impeccable. “The Region has the right to decide on the installation of the system, – he argued – and this decision is based on the technical issue of flood risk and therefore on the negative position taken by the Eastern Alps District Basin Authority. The flood risk of that area certainly cannot be changed.”

In fact, the tenacity of the proposing company has not been denied: the next step has been taken.

The mayor reported the news directly. “The Green Energy company – Munari informed – has lodged an appeal with the Veneto Regional Administrative Court against the decision of the Veneto Region not to authorize the Ca’ Venier biomethane plant”.

What will the Municipality of Cavarzere do now? “It will be established – confirms the mayor – in judgment supporting the good reasons for the denial supported by the contrary opinion of the Eastern Alps Basin”.

The mayor does not add any comments but strongly reiterates: “We will put into play all our good reasons supported from the beginning of the procedure”.

Among the opposition forces, the Democratic Party, with Heidi Crocco, was among the first to comment on the news.

“I do not believe – he claims – that with the appeal the company truly believes it can overturn the Region’s denial, which is based on an objective technical element”. “Even if he got it – continues Crocco – the annulment of the regional resolution by invoking some formal flaw, the risk of flooding would remain”.

“More likely – adds – that they use the appeal as a form of pressure to then negotiate the relocation of the project to another site in the same municipality”.

“Well – he concludes – that the Municipality of Cavarzere forms itself alongside the Region but we must remain vigilant”.

Ornella Jovane

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