Como, tourists use the city as their home garage. Resident’s anger: “More abuse, unacceptable.” 11 fines from the local police in two days

The reports received by the editorial staff today are countless. We inevitably and once again talk about the impact of tourism and day-trippers on the city. Only in the afternoon did we talk:

1 – Como, record queue at the boats: “And the motorboat had just loaded 700 people”. Ditto at the Funicular

2 – VIDEO Como, the monstrous queue of tourists on the bus to Bellagio. And there are those who call for separate buses for residents

Emails then arrived, without photos, reporting tourist coaches that, in defiance of the Municipality’s highly agreeable requirements (fast parking on the ring road), were loading and unloading tourists on the lakefront (both Trento and Trieste) using the travel lanes as rest areas. Then numerous cars of foreigners who, evidently not capable of observing the very clear signs, entered the historic center in a continuous flow from Via Cinque Giornate, in some cases parking wherever they wanted.

This is the case, indeed it is still the case, of via Juvara (already the subject of reports to ComoZero). The reader writes to us with a signed message:

I would like to point out once again two cars of tourists who unduly occupy the yellow spaces (still for the moment intended for residents, Ed.), as unfortunately happens more and more often lately. This, already unacceptable in itself, is even more annoying now that the number of parking spaces reserved for residents in the area has been reduced.
Thanks in advance and good work.

It must be underlined that in the last two days the local police of Como have issued 11 fines in Via Juvara alone, 6 yesterday and 5 today. So the issue is not the controls, which there are, but the absolute indifference of tourists.

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