the postal police dossier

04 May 2024, 10.40am

2 min read

CATANIA – On the occasion of national day against pedophilia and child pornography which occurs tomorrow 5 May, the Postal Police has prepared a dossier which illustrates the main and most current phenomena, counteractions, the state of partnerships with the private sector, as well as prevention and awareness initiatives for users.

The data

In 2023, 28,355 sites were analyzed overall by Postal specialists, of which almost 2800 included in the black list of sites containing representations of sexual exploitation of minors.

Beyond 1100 people identified and reported for downloading, sharing and exchanging photos and videos of sexual abuse against minors. Sexual extortion is on the rise, and the phenomenon of online solicitation is on the rise, although it mainly concerns the 10-13 age group.


TO Catania, the “Eastern Sicily” Cyber ​​Security Operations Center of the Postal Police was heavily involved in this law enforcement activity in 2023.

They were viewed and analysed 7,301 web spaces, of which 671 inserted in blacklist and blacked out, as they contained child pornography content. From January 2024 to April Over 5,200 sites have already been monitored and over 1,000 of these have been blocked because they contained child pornography material.

Equally important is the law enforcement work which made it possible, in 2023, to refer the matter to the judicial authorities 63 subjects and to arrest them 4.

In 2023, the involvement of minors aged between 10 and 13 in cases of online solicitation.

Of the 51 cases totals treated by the Centre, in fact, the pre-adolescent group is the one that has mostly had techno-mediated sexual interactions, with 41 total cases and of these the lured children under the age of 9 were 12. And the first months of 2024 they already see 22 cases of solicitation.

They were 12 cases handled in 2023 of minor victims of sextortion and the first months of 2024 they already see 9 cases handled by the Catania Postal Police.


Collaborations continue with important players who share projects, values ​​and objectives with the Postal Service, and the prevention initiatives that the Postal Police conduct to spread the culture of digital security and stem the continuous challenges that are renewed and intensified every day in the virtual world, also through the official online PS police station portal.

“Making minors aware”

“Making minors aware of the risks of the web is the daily and constant commitment of the State Policedeclared COSC Director Marcello La Bella – and the police go to schools every day for this purpose.

In 2023, 210 training and educational meetings were held at the School offices of the provinces of Catania, Messina, Syracuse and Ragusa, meeting further 28000 students, 2400 teachers and 2700 parents.

Leggi qui tutte le notizie di Catania

Published on

04 May 2024, 10.40am

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