Municipal elections, off to the races: Salvini presents the League list in Foligno. The centre-right candidate withdraws in Campello, facing off against the six aspirants in Gubbio

Municipal elections, off to the races: Salvini presents the League list in Foligno. The centre-right candidate withdraws in Campello, facing off against the six aspirants in Gubbio
Municipal elections, off to the races: Salvini presents the League list in Foligno. The centre-right candidate withdraws in Campello, facing off against the six aspirants in Gubbio

The presentations of candidates and lists continue in view of the municipal elections of 8 and 9 June. The deadline for submission expires in five days and all the parties are currently busy closing the lists. Throughout Umbria there will be a veritable army of candidate councilors who will try to raid preferences.

  • In Foligno the Northern League list was presented just yesterday in support of the re-nomination of the outgoing mayor Stefano Zuccarini. A list even inaugurated by the national secretary of the League Matteo Salvini who was in Foligno for the presentation of his book “Controvento. The Italy that doesn’t give up”. A publication, explained the deputy prime minister and minister of Infrastructure, in which “we talk about politics, the future, work, safety, young people”. Twenty-four candidates from the League make up the list: Federica Bagatti, Marco Baldoni, Decio Barili, Barbara Betti, Francesca Carbonini, Davide Chianella, Simona Civile, Renato Colavita, Luigi Coppola, Marco De Felicis, Giampaolo Eleuteri, Marco Farneti, Paolo Galli, Michela Giuliani, Cristina Iaquinto, Mauro Malaridotto, Natalie Mostarda, Riccardo Polli, Paolo Raneri, Sabrina Saccomanni, Dario Signorelli, Paola Silla, Patrizia Solfanelli, Stefano Vernaccia. The governor of Umbria Donatella Tesei was also present at the presentation of the list, together with the regional councilor of the League Enrico Melasecche and the secretary of Umbria del Carroccio, Riccardo Augusto Marchetti.
  • In Perugia, on Sunday 5 May, at 10 am, in the Vaccara room, it will be the turn of Fratelli d’Italia who will present the 32 candidates for a place in the assembly of Palazzo dei Priori. “We have gathered the best energies of the city”, anticipated the regional secretary of Fdi, Emanuele Prisco. A list – it is announced – where there will be experienced candidates alongside various new features. The outgoing group leader, the lawyer Iannarone, the councilor Fotini Giustozzi, the councilor Pastorelli, the outgoing councilors Mencaglia, Renda, Volpi and Paolo Befani will certainly be part of the list.
  • In Campello sul Clitunno, however, there is a real twist: the centre-right candidate for mayor, Fabiana Grullini, takes a step back and withdraws her candidacy. It was Grullini herself who announced her decision. “There have been many exhausting blows – he wrote in a post – which have had and are still having repercussions on my life and my personal well-being, I think of the many low blows, the many lies and malice, I thought I could hold up but no. , that’s why I decided to take a step back, because I have everything to lose.” At this point there remain two candidates for mayor: Simonetta Scarabottini with the “AmiAmo Campello” list and Domizio Natali with the “Solidarity and progress” list.
  • In Gubbio, where the final result is full of uncertainties, there is anticipation for the appointment next Monday, at 5pm, in the Sperelliana library with the forum organized by the Corriere dell’Umbria. A real face to face with the candidates for mayor. Luca Mercadini, deputy editor-in-chief of the Corriere dell’Umbria and Giacomo Marinelli Andreoli, director of Umbria TV, will interview the six candidates for mayor: Vittorio Fiorucci (centre-right), Rocco Girlanda (Rinascimento Gubbio and three other civic lists), Leonardo Nafissi ( Gubbio Città Futura and two other civic lists), Gabriele Tognoloni (Cantiere Sociale and Sinistra Eugubina), Alessia Tasso (Centre-left) and Francesco Della Porta (Gubbio for the common goods).
  • In Montone, a municipality in the Upper Tiber, the center-left confirms the candidacy of Mirko Rinaldi, the outgoing mayor, for mayor. The center-right instead chose Elisa Molinari, owner of an educational farm. Rinaldi will be supported by the “Energia e Passione” list while Molinari will lead the “Patto per Montone” list. Tomorrow, Saturday 4 May, Mirko Rinaldi, at 5pm, at the San Fedele Theatre, will present the councilor candidates and his electoral program for the next five years.
  • In Collazzone, a municipality in the Middle Tiber Valley, the center-right is aiming for the reconfirmation of the outgoing mayor Anna Iachettini. Today the electoral headquarters of the “Sempre per Collazzone-Anna Iachettini Sindaco” list was inaugurated.
  • In Castiglione del Lago, yesterday morning, the outgoing mayor Matteo Burico presented his candidacy and his electoral program. The outgoing mayor (Centre-left) will be supported by the Democratic Party, Democratic Project, Tempi Nuovi Popolari, Castiglione Futura of Civici X and Italia Viva, Dialogo e Azione. The centre-right has nominated the accountant Filippo Vecchi. The third candidate for mayor is Paolo Brancaleoni, outgoing city councilor, who will present his list tomorrow at 11 am in the headquarters of the Castiglione sailing club.
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