The Municipality dragged to Court over the largest unfinished subdivision in Pomezia

On the largest subdivision unfinished of Pomeziai.e. on the so-called ‘Minerva Park‘, The Common was dragged to Court by the large construction sector group led by Luca Parnasi.

We are talking about the largest building plan/agreement in the history of Pomezia which is located, in particular, near via Enrico De Nicola and via Giuseppe di Vittorio. But let’s take a step back to better understand what is happening.

The largest unfinished subdivision in Pomezia

8 years ago the Pometo municipality, led by the then mayor Fabio Fucci, had requested and then obtained from the Lazio Tax Court of Justice (in February 2023) as much as €16 million in compensation for the never-completed subdivision.

But now, after being right in the first instance, he will have to defend himself, again, in the second instance, from the judicial claims made again by the company Dicembre srl, formerly Parsitalia Costruzioni srl in liquidation. That is to say from a ‘rib’ of the well-known Roman builder Luca Parnasi. Builder, among other things, recently convicted for the case of the Roma stadium in Tor di Valle (to read the news, click here).

Municipality dragged to Court

Well, as mentioned above, this company (dicembre srl) has still dragged the municipality of Pomezia to court, given that it has promoted a second degree appeal, again at the Lazio Tax Court of Justice, after having lost in the first degree.

So much so that the Pometo municipality itself has now been ‘forced’ to appoint a trusted lawyer to defend itself, once again, before the judges.

The lawyer Antonio Giuseppe Pititto will represent the municipality of Pomezia in court, signed by the manager Giovanni Ugoccioni.

This is what is reported in the decision of the Technical Office of the municipality of Pomezia n. 550 of 24 April 2024.

Parco della Minerva, the photo of the Pomezia store
On the largest unfinished subdivision in Pomezia, the Municipality is once again dragged to Court

The dispute began in 20016, i.e. 8 years ago

The judicial dispute began in 2016, by the former council led by mayor Fabio Fucci. “The work of the municipal administration continues – the Fucci council wrote on 30 June 2016 on the municipal social channels – on the analysis of the urban planning agreements.

At the center this time are the urban planning agreements of the P12-P13-P14 Districts stipulated by the Municipality of Pomezia on 1 August 2006 with the Parsitalia Real Estate company.

“The agreements in question – explains Councilor Federica Castagnacci – provided for the company to carry out numerous urbanization works. Car parks, internal roads, green areas, works never carried out or left unfinished.

Furthermore, the bankruptcy of the companies involved occurred which left the Minerva Park with the never completed construction site that we see today. At the time of signing the agreements, the Parsitalia company had established to guarantee the exact and full execution of the works. A specific ten-year surety policy for an amount of 16,352,404.59 euros. Today the Administration requests the enforcement of the entire policy and full ownership and availability of the works, artefacts and systems carried out”.

“The agreements of the P12-P13-P14 Districts – adds Mayor Fabio Fucci – are a clear example of building speculation and damage to the territory. Which have characterized the urban management of Pomezia in past years. Hectares of cork groves have been destroyed, houses left unfinished, apartments still unsold, in exchange for no service for the community.

The residents of Parco della Minerva know this well and have been complaining for years about the lack of services and difficulties in mobility. Our control and verification activities are aimed at them, and at the entire citizenry. We ask that over 16 million euros be returned to the City which would allow us to complete the unfinished urbanization works and create green areas and meeting spaces for our fellow citizens”. The request for enforcement of the surety policy was sent on June 28th”.

Minerva Park

Palaces, apartments and villas sold, but never completed. Palaces, apartments and villas completed but not usable. Falling cranes. Primary works – road, car parks, public lighting, gardens, never built.

This was and still is the Minerva Park. A subdivision that should have represented a flagship for the entire municipality and which instead turned into a real landscape and, unfortunately, also judicial nightmare.

Pomezia, the subdivision known as Parco della Minerva
On the largest unfinished subdivision in Pomezia, the Municipality is once again dragged to Court

Read also:

Ciampino, after 8 years the subdivision starts again: it will be built in the middle of a junction

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