Vicenza: 80 years of Coldiretti, 300 of us celebrating it

Three hundred farmers from Coldiretti Vicenza filled the hall of the GHV Hotel in Creazzo to witness the day of pride for Coldiretti, the association celebrating 80 years of history.

The event to honor the memory of the most representative agricultural professional organization at national and European level is organized simultaneously throughout Italy and involves 50 thousand agricultural entrepreneurs from 96 provinces from North to South of the Peninsula. In Veneto the initiative sees the participation of 3 thousand members gathered in the seven capitals of the region.

A story illustrated by the protagonists themselves, that is, seniors, young people and women who, collecting a strong legacy, continue to be the ambassadors of a present made of battles and conquests. From the agrarian reform to the orientation law, the time and action of Coldiretti has left its mark on the sector, leading it to affirmation in the economic system, thanks to large projects undertaken such as the network of Campagna Amica markets and Filiera Italia.

And again the commitment of the new generations which is charged with not only entrepreneurial but also social meaning: such as the demonstration in Brussels to ask for acts of courage and change the Community Agricultural Policy, the blockade at Brenner to stop the false ‘Made in Italy’. Activities that were anticipated by the solid presence of men like Giuseppe Zuech, former provincial manager but still an entertainer in the Marostica area, who brought all those present back to the origins.

“The challenges continue – said provincial president Pietro Guderzo – with a collection of signatures to ask for the origin on the label of all products in the , the abolition of the customs code which allows foreign raw materials to become an Italian specialty with a simple processing. Last but not least, the age-old issue of wildlife which must also be addressed with a political decision: the uncontrolled presence of wild animals compromises the hydrogeological balance of the territory and the safety of citizens as well as producers”.

“For over twenty years we have been fighting for the transparency and traceability of agri-food products – adds Carlo Salvan, president of Coldiretti Veneto who will speak in Rovigo in the afternoon – to guarantee consumers genuine and authentic food. We create the true ‘Made in Italy’ food with that part of the agro-industry and distribution that does not bend to the lowest price, but enhances the work of thousands of entrepreneurs with us. These meetings will be an opportunity to relaunch the abolition of the customs code, which allows foreign raw materials to become Italian products and bring to the attention of all members the ongoing initiatives that Coldiretti is carrying out to stop unfair imports and give dignity to work of farmers. After the garrison at Brenner we will continue to control the food that passes our borders, including from the ports. Meanwhile, with the support of consumer citizens, we are collecting one million signatures in support of our European law proposal to defend the true 100% “Made in Italy”, for the benefit of Italian agriculture and the health of citizens”.

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