Notice of mobility between entities, the Municipality of Pistoia is looking for an administrative officer

Notice of mobility between entities, the Municipality of Pistoia is looking for an administrative officer
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A notice of mobility between institutions for an administrative officer has been published by the Municipality of Pistoia. The notice is published on the Single Recruitment Portal (inPA) at and is also available on the online Notice Board of the Municipality of Pistoia and on the body’s website at address

The requests must be presented by Friday 24 May exclusively electronically, through the “inPA” Portal, after registering the candidate on the Portal

Mobility applications already held by the Administration will not be taken into consideration; anyone who has already applied for mobility in the past and is still interested will have to submit a new application.

Candidates admitted to the selection will be invited to have an interview during which professional skills and experiences, personal attitudes and motivations will be assessed; will be held on June 4th at 10.30 in the Gonfalone Hall of the Town Hall. If the number of candidates does not allow the interview to be carried out in a single day, further dates will be identified and made known through publication on the inPA Portal at and on the website of the Municipality of Pistoia in the Transparent Administration section, competition notices section.

The selection will not result in the formation of a ranking, but in the identification of the candidates to be hired, included in order of preference in a list of suitable candidates.

All communications (list admitted and excluded, outcome of the interview and more) will be published exclusively on the inPA Portal at and on the website of the Municipality of Pistoia, Transparent Administration section “competition notices” section.

For further information it is possible to call PistoiaInforma from Monday to Saturday, from 9 to 13, on 800 012 146, email [email protected]. Alternatively, contact the Personnel and Social Inclusion Policies service on 0573 371263, 371478, 371353, 371232, email: [email protected]Monday to Friday from 11am to 1pm.

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