25 April: the collection of signatures for the CGIL referendums also begins in Umbria

April 25th is a fundamental date for our democracy and for our anti-fascist Constitution, precisely for this reason the CGIL has decided to launch on the day of Liberation from Nazi-Fascism the collection of signatures for the referendums which aim to erase precariousness and affirm freedom at work. There are 4 referendum questions promoted by the union: the first two are on illegitimate dismissals and aim in particular, with the cancellation of the Jobs Act, at the provision of reinstatement in the workplace for everyone. Another concerns the safety of workers in contracts with the responsibility of the client and the last is against the liberalization of fixed-term contracts which, for the CGIL, must be linked to the reasons.

From tomorrow it will therefore be possible to sign in support of the referendum campaign. In Umbria the signatures will be collected at San Feliciano (Pg) where the traditional Liberation Day party organized by Filcams Cgil of Perugia, “Gimo al Prato”, is scheduled, at the Alicata lakefront in San Feliciano di Magione (from 4.30 pm); it’s at Terni, among the workers of the Ast steelworks who will be on duty tomorrow, between the first and second shifts (12.30 – 14.00) in front of the central concierge in Viale Brin.

The collection of signatures will then continue in the next few days throughout the region. The CGIL’s objective is to collect the 500 thousand signatures needed to vote next spring by the summer.

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