Foggia, four smartphones hidden under the refrigerator in the prison

The activity to combat illegal phenomena in the Foggia prison continues unabated: yesterday 22 April the prison police officers found four more smartphones that the inmates of the first section of the old judicial department had hidden under the refrigerators. “The last few weeks have yielded excellent results in operations aimed at preventing and blocking the illicit activities of criminals in Bari, Foggia and Gargano” explains the deputy general secretary Pasquale Montesano, who adds: “The Penitentiary Police in Foggia is worn out by the very serious shortage of staff and by the scarce resources which have determined and determine a criticality of extraordinary magnitude which only thanks to the spirit of sacrifice, belonging and professionalism put in place, avoids greater and more serious consequences, suffering the discomfort of an overall organization that doesn’t work” goes on.

“The problems highlighted in the working conditions of the operators and the perseverance of crime are the emblem of the dramatic state of the prisons, particularly in Puglia, which has worsened further in the last period, even if it has very distant roots and is the result of inadequate, short-sighted policies , incompetent and often propagandistic of Governments, of any political composition. Puglia. The Government must make a move before the irreparable happens”.

Foggia, as emerged during the press conference of the group leader of Italia Viva in the Senate Justice Commission, Ivan Scalfarotto, is the third most crowded prison in Italy. There are rooms with eight people in them and only one bathroom. The situation described by Renzian is truly dramatic (he continues reading).


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