The ”Mend In Public” event for the Fashion Revolution Week 2024 arrives in Como

Saturday 20 April, give her 11 o’clock at 1pm, in via Prudenziana 17 in Como, at the CouLture Migrante headquarters will be held Mend In Publican event based on the promotion of sustainable fashion proposed and curated by Migrant CouLture with the project volunteers Filodrittowhich is part of the program of Fashion Revolution Week 2024.

CouLture Migrante, a structured sartorial project in close relation with the territory, which involves women and men at risk of social exclusion, has joined the Mend in public daythat is, a real one group mending daya global creative action that counters the logic of fast fashion through the practice of repair and reuse.

The operators of Filodrittothe new clothing repair service of the Il Bassone prison, will be present to lead the workshop, teaching the techniques of visible mendingor creative mending.

To register for the totally free workshop click here

All the materials necessary to carry out the activities will be provided by the organization, however each participant is required to bring a knitted garment to be mended.

Fashion Revolution Week 2024 is a major event promoted by Fashion Revolutionthe activism movement in the fashion field that involves policy makers, brands, influencers and private citizens all over the world, to celebrate the first ten years of activity.

The great event to promote sustainable fashion will last 10 days and will be divided into numerous initiatives that will take place all over the world, including the city of Como.

«The most sustainable item of clothing is the one you already have» key phrase that contains the mission of the movement.

For more information on Fashion Revolution Week visit the website

To learn more about CouLture Migrante’s activity click here

Below is the event poster:

Galbiati Yury Pio

read also

The project

A therapy for the inmates of Bassone, here is “Filodritto”: from today the leaders of the Como people are sheltering in their cells


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