Local health authority structures network

Local health authority structures network
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A coordination system is on the way between the healthcare facilities in the province of Viterbo, which has the aim of making their action more rational in taking charge and then managing patients.

Three new territorial operations centers (COT) will be active from next week, coordinated by the local health authority of the capital: that of District A, at the Tarquinia hospital, of District C, at the Civita Castellana hospital, and of District B, at the Belcolle hospital, where the company’s territorial operations center will also be operational, already active since 2020 and which currently represents an already consolidated and recognized reality for the Viterbo Local Health Authority.

Local health authorities network

The new management system was illustrated yesterday by the commissioner of the ASL, Egisto Bianconi, and by the manager of the company’s territorial operations centre, Silvia Storri, at the Cittadella della salute.
The launch of the Cot system at the Viterbo Local Health Authority was made possible thanks to a Pnrr loan of approximately one million and 100 thousand euros, which allowed the execution of the necessary renovation and redevelopment works of the spaces identified at the company structures, the purchase of devices, essential for the operation of the power plants, and a significant investment in terms of interconnection.

The system

Citizens will continue to use Single Access Points. The system is rather aimed at healthcare professionals from the network of corporate and inter-company services, affiliated with it (general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice) and accredited structures, intervening in particular in the management of transition processes.

READ ALSO The ASL redesigns the Belcolle hospital

Operation 7 days a week

The system guarantees operation 7 days a week, and is equipped with adequate technological and IT infrastructures to ensure the sharing of useful information in real time and allow the use of teleassistance and telemedicine systems. The service is aimed at all patients in the reference area, whether they have complex clinical, welfare and social needs (non-self-sufficient and chronic with high complexity), or whether they are recipients of prevention and health promotion actions.

Bianconi: “Innovative organizational model”

“The system of territorial operations centers – said Bianconi – was born as a key element of territorial organisation. The territorial operations center is defined, in fact, as an innovative organizational model, at district level, which carries out a function of coordination of taking care of the person and connection between services and professionals involved in the different healthcare areas: territorial area, hospital area, area of prevention and emergency network”.

Overcome a corporate organization “made in watertight compartments”

In other words, the intent is to overcome a corporate organization “made up of watertight compartments, which often do not communicate with each other. We try to implement a communication system to orient the company in favor of its clients.”

Andrea Tognotti


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