Tommaso Zorzi, coming out to his parents between excuses and truth: the email

Tommaso Zorzi, coming out to his parents between excuses and truth: the email
Tommaso Zorzi, coming out to his parents between excuses and truth: the email

11 years later coming out, Tommaso Zorzi published a post on social media in which he shared with his followers the letter he wrote to parents to openly declare his opinion to him sexual orientation. We are talking about a touching (and already viral) email that tells a lot about him and makes us understand how difficult it is sometimes to express one’s emotions and be sincere with oneself and others. Let’s discover together the sweet words of the writing in question.

Tommaso Zorzi tells his parents about his coming out

Tommaso Zorzi has made known on his official Instagram account a email written to parents 11 years agowhen he was 18 years old and lived alone in London, miles away from his family, for fare coming outin which he first apologizes for the wrong attitude he had in the past with his mother and father, and then lets himself go when he explains that accepting his homosexuality was not easy for him, nor telling his parents. parents, because he was afraid of disappointing them.

I know I shouldn’t have lied to you but I acted on impulse. and I found myself wanting to spend two beautiful days without you knowing. I’m eighteen and I suddenly found myself living alone. Sure, there are many responsibilities, but I also feel (mistakenly) that I am allowed to do things that in Milan would never have even crossed my mind. I fell in love with a boy. I know how disappointing it can be for a parent. But it is It was so difficult to admit it to myself that when I finally managed it, I felt the need to say it to you too. I don’t expect you to understand immediately, but I hope that one day all this can return to the daily normality that I want to continue to live with you. Whatever happens, it obviously remains a great love. Thank you for everything you have always done for me, Tommy“, Zorzi wrote in the email in question.

Comments on social media

Meanwhile on social media users do not fail to comment on the newssaying they were moved by Tommaso Zorzi’s words and sending messages of hope: “I hope that one day not too far away a person will not even think of disappointing anyone, because he loves someone of the same sex. It will mean that society has changed, that we are truly free, that there is not a huge baggage of suffering in accepting ourselves first of all because we do not respond to a convention that has no reason to exist“, or: “He did well, he can be of help to many boys who still haven’t found the courage to tell their loved ones!

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