4 pm, Francesca Barra and Roberto Poletti replace Bianca Berlinguer – DiLei

4 pm, Francesca Barra and Roberto Poletti replace Bianca Berlinguer – DiLei
4 pm, Francesca Barra and Roberto Poletti replace Bianca Berlinguer – DiLei

The Rete4 summer schedule takes shape. After the closing of Before tomorrow Of Bianca Berlinguerwhich remained stable after the first certainly difficult running-in period, begins a new in-depth programme hosted by Francesca Barra and Roberto Poletti. The two journalists then take the place of the presenter It’s always Cartabianca from June 25th at 8.30pm with a very rich array of guests that has already been announced.

Who replaces Bianca Berlinguer

For Bianca Berlinguer, fresh from a new and very long television season, the time has come for proper rest. Rete4’s information doesn’t stop proposes another title which takes the place of Before tomorrow. At the helm are Francesca Barra and Roberto Poletti, promoted to access prime time after the good performance of Morning Four. The experiment was perfectly successful but for the summer test he changed partners. Another woman, very well prepared, who takes the place of Federica Panicucci.

The appointment with the first episode of 4pm it is for June 25th from 8.30pm, with Matilde Siracusano, Luigi de Magistris, Peter Gomez and Pietro Senaldi. These are the guests of the first episode of the container dedicated to current affairs, from politics to economics, from news to customs with which we talk about house occupations and the accusations made by Aler against Ilaria Salisnewly elected MEP with Nicola Fratoianni’s Avs.

When he comes back Before tomorrow

However, the program hosted by Bianca Berlinguer is not destined to close. THE Mediaset schedules they are in fact waiting to be presented but there is no doubt about the Roman journalist. After all, Pier Silvio Berlusconi had strongly wanted her in Mediaset to ideally lead the change of editorial line which he has been trying to propose for some time. She started with It’s always Cartabiancapractically identical to White paper on Rai3, and continued with Before tomorrow.

The beginning was not easy, not even for her who has a well-known and esteemed name in the world of Italian journalism. In fact, the public struggled to digest the new features, although introduced by a face they highly respect, and had to work hard to bring the program towards a certain form of stability. In all likelihood, we will see her again during the next television season.

“I had a very good time at Rai, I owe her a lot, she will remain in my heart forever. And I don’t want to make controversy about the fact that in recent years I have been very weakly supported and sometimes even opposed. But it’s not so much for this reason that I left,” she said on her move to Mediaset, “The truth is that I had the feeling that that season was over once and for all and that I had to start another one, despite the risks it entails. And then I had wanted to go back to doing a daily newspaper for a long time and since January with Tonight Italyin relay with Nicola PorroI will have this opportunity,” he concluded.

A year after this decision, Bianca Berlinguer has become a leading face of Rete4just as happened with Myrta Merlino at the helm of Pomeriggio Cinque from September 2023 and reconfirmed for the new edition.

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