Paolo Virzì asks to activate the “red code” against Micaela Ramazzotti and Pallitto

The statement is the continuation of the war with other means: after the brawl on Monday 17th between the tables of a restaurant on the slopes of the Aventine, it is the day of press statements. But also requests for precautionary measures. Mellifluous he, her ex-spouses sharp Virzì/Ramazzotti are preparing to fight the legal battle by filing and refining announcements: «I am not surprised by Paolo’s frantic attempt to want only preserve one’s public image — she lets theHandle — On the other hand, he has always cared more about that than the serenity of his family and his loved ones or presumed to be so.”

The director is softer (“Micaela, a very important woman for me. I trust that we will all find a way to resolve this incident”) at least on the surface. Because in essence it is exactly what it is Paolo Virzì to launch the sharpest attack on his ex-wife and mother of two of his children. In the complaint presented to the local police, he represents the need to protect himself from the attacks of his ex-wife and her partner Claudio Pallitto by activating the procedure of the so-called red code, a preferential route provided for the protection of vulnerable groups which would be followed urgently by the magistrates of the Roman prosecutor’s office. The point is that the director can count on an emergency room report certifying scratches and injuries received by Ramazzotti and trainer Pallitto. Both were sitting with their eldest son at the tables of a tourist place in Piazza Albania when the director passed by with his thirty-five-year-old daughter from another marriage.

A joke addressed by Virzì to his fourteen-year-old son and there was confusion. About forty minutes of brawl at the end of which the police intervened to restore calm, amidst broken crockery, rivers of insults, gratuitous shoving and mutual threats. In the dense pages of a long report, the actress also complains of bruises and injuries. And in fact the following day complaints (Virzì) and counter-complaints (Ramazzotti) rained down. Both seem to converge on at least one thing, the need to keep the matter confidential to protect the children and the perimeter of one’s private life. “I don’t intend to go into the merits of events which, I am sure, will be clarified by the judicial authorities” she points out. While the previous day he had underlined his desire to maintain complete confidentiality: “I have never spoken about private matters in my professional life and I don’t intend to start now.” At this point the lawyers will take care of the dispute. Grazia Volo for Virzì and Annamaria Bernardini De Pace, supported by David Leggi, for Ramazzotti. In their hands is the possibility of a possible negotiation to mend the relationship. And protect your children.

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