Chain reaction, Polposition bang: big win and tears

During the new episode of Chain reactionconducted by Pino Teach on Rai1 Sunday 16 Junethe reigning champions, the Polposition (Tecla, Cristina and Elisa), are challenged by Tram Tram – Chiara, Maria and Sara met on the tram during high school – and they are unable to steal the title from their opponents, prize winners for the second time in a row, for a few less guessed words to the Winning Entente. Let’s find out together what happened during the early evening show on Rai1.

Chain Reaction, episode 16 June 2024: what happened

After some difficulty in finding the words of the initial round and in the first musical chain of the game show, during which Polposition do not remember the title of the song – Summer of Negramaro – and Tram Tram think it is Have a good trip by Cesare Cremonini, the competitors once again find themselves making mistakes in the final piece of the second musical chain, while in the game of “When, where, how and why“The reigning champions emerge, with Tecla immediately guessing what lies behind the phrase”While you see the stars” and the host who, approaching her, comments: “We must end up giving the line to TG1, not before. Good!“.

Then, during “One leads to another”, the Polpositions guess the word that links “cabin” and “lover”, or “wardrobe”, and Tecla explains the connection like this: “The walk-in closet and then lover because she locks herself in the closet when her husband arrives“. To which Pino Insegno quips: “Are we already at these levels? Is that so?” Tecla nods her head: “Well yes“. The host says “no, eh” and the young woman turns to the audience: “No, let’s not do that!” Subsequently, Tram Tram gave 5 more seconds to their opponents by getting the “Zot” wrong and then left the studio after having guessed “only” 9 words compared to the 16 brought home by Polposition. Among other things, during the Winning Agreement , as always, the three women are so fast and express themselves with so much enthusiasm that the host says at a certain point: “At home people are cooking, preparing, playing… If you do this they get sick and have to take the beta blocker“. In the end Tecla guesses the last word in just a second and Insegno comments: “You are not well“.

The Last Chain sees Polposition play both wildcards at the start, keeping the prize pool of 144 thousand euros intact until they decide to buy the Third Element. The girls, who now play for 72 thousand euros, must understand some terms that link “hand” to “place” (the initials of the word are “co” and the final letter is “a”). Polpositions focus on “consciousness” and they win 72 thousand euros in tears.

The controversies on social media

The controversy on social media are always on the agenda with Chain reaction and once again we talk about “gifted money”: “Get a grip on these final chains!!!“, “Watching these final chains does wonders for my self-esteem. I feel like a genius!“, “Given the ease… money given away. I don’t find it fair compared to other past teams“, “Unbearable and with chains for elementary school children. As it turns out, no one watches this program anymore“. It’s still: “The chain was really ridiculous, we give away money to f**k“, “But we pay the fee to see these nursery chains and win a lot of money ac…….o, and they are also unpleasant…“, “If I were Dai and Dai I would sue, these chains like this are not possible“, “They were also good at guessing the final word. But you can’t give away 72,000 euros with a chain like that, come on! It’s shameful!“, “Until a few years ago, the last chain was a nightmare of difficulty, now it’s a pleasant walkAnd”.

A user on X (formerly Twitter) then hypothesizes: “I think they lowered the difficulty level (the games are made by the authors’ children) to increase requests for participation“, or: “It seems to me that in order to immediately raise Pino Insegno’s ratings they were very generous at the beginning, they have already won several times“, “Now that they’ve made them win, will they send them home tomorrow??“. Finally, there are those who think that the three women are recommended: “They are clearly relatives of someone from Rai. And like every year, the authors openly show us who they have chosen to give money to“, “I repeat, whose are these relatives? Who are they recommended by?

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