Fedez has now also lost his father Franco Lucia, a defeat from which he may never recover

Fedez and Franco Lucia – Fortementein.com

For Fedez it seems that everything is falling apart, he also lost his father after his wife, the podcast and is fighting to see his children.

In recent months, the life of Fedez seems to be falling apart. The famous Italian rapper is going through an extremely difficult period, marked by significant losses and personal battles. After separation from his wife Chiara Ferragni and the end of the podcast “Muschio Selvaggio” with Luis Sal, Fedez now finds himself fighting to see his children.

To further complicate the situation, it seems that he has disappeared from the “family picture” Franco Lucia Fedez’s father, leaving the rapper sad and perhaps completely alone. He has always had a very close bond with his father now Franco Lucia is no longer here since it seems that he has decided to take sides. This delicate situation has transformed everything Fedez in a character in disarray, committed to maintaining a balance in a life that seems to get out of hand.

The separation from Chiara Ferragni, one of the most influential influencers in the world, was one of the most difficult moments for Fedez. The couple had been facing problems for some time, problems which were further aggravated following the legal troubles related to the “Pandoro Gate”. The distance between the two has grown, until it reaches a point of no return. Currently, the two only communicate to manage issues relating to their children, but the personal relationship now seems compromised.

In the same period, Fedez had to face a tough legal battle which saw him lose the podcast “Wild Moss”, a project he started with his friend and colleague Luis Sal. The end of the podcast represented another hard blow for the rapper, who saw one of his most cherished projects disappear. As if all this wasn’t enough, recent signs suggest that Fedez also “lost” his father Franco.

Franco Lucia and support for Ferragni

Although there is no official confirmation of a total separation, it seems that Franco has, in fact, always been very close to Chiara Ferragni, continue to support your ex-daughter-in-law on social media, liking her photos and posts. This behavior has led many to speculate that Franco is taking the side of Ferragni in the current family feuds.

In this context of tensions and detachments, Fedez has started a new relationship with Garance Authié, a young French model. The new couple appears to be getting along, but it’s unclear how well the family’s Fedez approves this relationship. The situation is further complicated by the social barbs that many have noticed between Garance and Chiara Ferragni. Both, in fact, have published videos in which they dance to the same trend on social media, within a short time of each other, thus fueling speculation about a latent tension between the two.

Chiara Ferragni and Franco Lucia – Fortementein.com

Fedez and the support of Franco Lucia

Despite everything and beyond all speculation, it seems that Fedez and his father Franco are still very close. However, it is evident that Franco Lucia wishes to maintain a good relationship with Chiara Ferragni, especially for the sake of his grandchildren. This delicate balance could represent an additional source of stress for Fedez, who already finds himself managing a series of changes and personal challenges. His father’s support has always been a fixed point in Fedez’s life, and losing him would be another hard blow.

However, Franco Lucia’s affection for his grandchildren and the desire to maintain a positive relationship with Chiara Ferragni could explain his supportive gestures towards his ex-daughter-in-law. This does not necessarily imply a betrayal of Fedez, but rather an attempt by Franco to balance family relationships in a time of great turbulence. In short, it remains to be seen how Fedez will manage to navigate through these stormy waters and find a new balance in his personal and professional life.

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