tender Anna Tatangelo (8), Carlotta little diva (10) – About Her

tender Anna Tatangelo (8), Carlotta little diva (10) – About Her
tender Anna Tatangelo (8), Carlotta little diva (10) – About Her

Lots of music, laughter and emotions in the semi-final of I Canto Familybroadcast on Monday 10 June in prime time on Canale 5. Hosted, as always, Michelle Hunziker, supported by an exceptional jury and an unstoppable team of young talents. An episode, the one before the final, full of surprises. A true family show with many surprises that saw the dearest loved ones of the VIP cast arrive in the studio.

Anna Tatangelo, mother’s heart: 8

Team leader Anna Tatangelo received a very sweet surprise. After the lively performance of Glorythe hit by Umberto Tozzi performed alongside father Davide and little Sara, the singer he received two surprise messages from home. That of his son Andrea and his brothers. All united to wish her good luck and remind her how proud they are of her. An even more special message at this time, with the recent loss of my mother. Anna couldn’t hold back her tears, she was emotional and sincereand we can only promote it with flying colors.

Fausto Leali, father’s heart: 8

Surprise also for Fausto Leali, but this time in the flesh. During the Beatles performance of the always overwhelming A Hard Day’s Nightthe team leader was joined on stage by Deborah, beloved daughter, the very one to which the very tender song of the same name is dedicated. Fausto’s surprised expression is priceless, as he really didn’t expect it. Deborah is impeccable and has certainly inherited her sense of rhythm from her father.

The imitation of little Carlotta: 10

A true star can be recognized already in childhood. And if it is true that all the little contestants boast incredible talent, we couldn’t help but be won over by one of the smallest singers in the competition. The bubbly and curly-haired Carlotta, who performed in the semi-final An adventure together with mother Erika and team leader Mietta. All three are good, but even more than the song, what came before earns a round 10. With a bit of tender embarrassment, Carlotta showed the public her very personal imitation of Mietta. A perfect miniature replica, complete with a persuasive tone of voice and vamp-like movements. Almost more diva than the original.

Michelle Hunziker subdued: 5

The Italian public fell in love with Michelle Hunziker for her always being slightly over the top, for her contagious laugh and simple humour. We expected sparks given the nature of the show, and yet the Swiss showgirl does not excel. She gives room to the judges, team leaders and contestants, but she also lets them steal the show. We miss the verve already seen recently in Michelle Impossible.

Even when it comes to looks, Hunziker doesn’t dare. In all the episodes he opted for a trouser suit, available from time to time in different colours. The one in the semi-final was, to date, the least successful outfit. The blue pinstripe almost blends in with the scenography and the fun quirk of the pocket square in the pocket isn’t enough to lift everything up.

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