Men and Women, Tina Cipollari asphalts (again) Mario Cusitore

The spotlight was turned off on his controversial experience in the latest edition of Men and women, Mario Cusitore come back to talk about his story with Ida Platanoawakening media attention on what was one of the most followed but also contested and, painfully failed, liaisons of this edition of the dating show led by Maria De Filippi.

Having arrived in the studio of the program to woo Ida Platano, this year promoted to the unprecedented role of tronista, Cusitore was the protagonist of a back-and-forth story in which between doubts, gossip and real reports, between an estrangement and the moreover, he often played the role of the victim until the final unmasking. Caught with a woman in a bed and breakfast, the man ended in the worst possible way an experience already much discussed by viewers of the show.

But this is already “history”, let’s come to the present day. Once the TV spotlight was off on him, Mario Cusitore used the digital “pulpit” of an Instagram live broadcast tostart talking about his “history” with Ida Platano returning to stir the social waters in this placid beginning of summer.

When the interviewer points out to him that Ida “is a bit heavy”, he explains that he likes “heaviness more than arrogance”, because “the heavier you are, the more it means that you love me, that you are interested. In me I like heaviness more than arrogance.” And he concludes: “So I’m saying that Ida knows well what was between us. The eyes spoke.”

To this live broadcast, which bounced off the many social-gossip profiles that follow the broadcast, the first reaction that arrived was that of Tina Cipollari. The commentator who, first, warned Ida about Mario’s courtship. And in fact even the response to the suitor’s last words are in line with the opinion that Cipollari has had of him for some time, that is, a thunderous broadside that demolishes Cusitore’s reasoning. A few fulminating words: “Still telling these lies!” A vitriolic comment of just a few syllables but so clear that it is difficult to imagine a more effective one. Will there be a reply to the reply? Fans can’t wait to continue following one of the duels that most characterized the latest edition of the historic dating show led by Maria De Filippi. Just keep an eye on Instagram.

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