Kate Middleton, latest news. The chilling portrait of the Princess of Wales – About Her

Kate Middleton, latest news. The chilling portrait of the Princess of Wales – About Her
Kate Middleton, latest news. The chilling portrait of the Princess of Wales – About Her

The new portrait of Kate Middleton it is simply appalling and has caused quite a bit of confusion among people. Some even called it “horrible”, not to mention out of place. In short, It doesn’t look like her.

The only consolation is that it wasn’t Kate Middleton who commissioned it but the magazine Tatler for the cover of the month of July. Previewed on Instagram, the painting has attracted criticism from many who see no resemblance to the Princess of Wales. Another flop like Carlo’s controversial painting that makes him look like some kind of devil, mixed up with a red background that looks like the flames of hell.

Kate Middleton, the chilling portrait

Kate’s portrait was done by Hannah Uzor and portrays Lady Middleton with the white gala dress, designed by Jenny Packham and Princess Diana’s tiara, which she wore at the state banquet organized at Buckingham Palace in honor of the South African president in November 2022. The artist intended it to express the elegance and royalty of the Princess, as can be read in the caption of the ‘work: “She is truly up to her role”, and again: “She was born for this. She carries herself with such dignity, elegance and grace.” This was her intention but in reality she doesn’t even look like Kate.

Hannah explained that she was also inspired to composure and courage which the Princess of Wales demonstrated in the video last March in which she announced to the world that she had cancer. The artist explained that she was struck by how Kate, in such a painful moment for her and her family, managed to speak from her heart. But if Uzor saw all this in Kate, she failed to convey it in her painting of her.

The criticisms directed at his portrait have been many and ferocious. In that picture there is nothing that resembles Kate. First of all, it is very cold, perhaps also due to the rigid pose in which the Princess is depicted staring straight ahead with her hands crossed on her belly. And then the uniform blue background makes everything inanimate.

Kate Middleton, it doesn’t even look like her

The public comments therefore do not spare the artist. Someone writes: “This portrait is horrible, there are so many amazing artists out there, they definitely could have found a better one.” Others, however, note that in the painting Kate appears to have almond-shaped eyes: “When did she become Asian?“. “At first glance I thought she was the Japanese Empress Masako.”

There are those who comment ironically, thinking that Kate will have a good laugh seeing herself like this: “Who makes the decisions on these commissions? The portraits are getting stranger and stranger. This is quite amateur, He doesn’t look like His Royal Highness. Considering what she’s going through, I imagine this will make her laugh.” Still others limit themselves to a dry judgment: “What a horrible portrait for a beautiful woman.” “What a terrible portrait of the Princess of Wales!!!? who allowed it to be on the cover???”. Some consider it a painting of a novice child, others simply say that that is not Kate Middleton in the painting. “Why the hell publish this portrait that she looks nothing like the princess??”.

In conclusion, just like Carlo’s portrait, Kate’s is also a total disappointment that almost borders on the ridiculous considering the serious situation she is experiencing. Her health condition is very worrying, especially after Kensington Palace announced that she is not expected to return to the public while she is undergoing chemotherapy.

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