Milly Carlucci responds to the criticisms of L’Acchiappatalenti: “Very false comments” – DiLei

Milly Carlucci responds to the criticisms of L’Acchiappatalenti: “Very false comments” – DiLei
Milly Carlucci responds to the criticisms of L’Acchiappatalenti: “Very false comments” – DiLei

Not even time to debut that already Milly Carlucci found herself responding to harsh criticism leveled at her new Rai1 programme, The Talent Catcherwith which he replaced it The Masked Singer. In fact, the presenter did not digest it shitstorm who overwhelmed the latest idea presented in the early evening of Friday and decided to respond personally to those who did not like the experiment which is said to be the first – and so far only – in Europe.

Milly Carlucci responds to criticism

“I must thank all my friends on the web because, as always, you follow us with passionate attention. I also thank those who made us gods critical comments, because there is nothing more important than criticism for us who do this job, to understand how we can improve. Then some comments were true, some were very fake. We don’t deal with these here. Also why create this wave of negativityas the English say “shitstorm”, in short I think it’s a bit sadI believe it is aimed at hurting people who get hit, but in my opinion it’s worse for those who throw these things here. But why? How sad,” Milly Carlucci commented in a video on Instagram, with which she wanted to put a stop to the many rumors – many of them negative – that followed one another after the first episode aired.

“Continue to follow us but also give us constructive criticism. We want to improve. Okay? And we will absolutely improve many things. So we are always listening. Hello! ”, Promised the presenter, which she now has to try to get around the listening obstacle which inevitably return a cross-section of the public’s appreciation.

The strategy of his new program

Milly Carlucci’s cornerstones are always the same and are those that have guaranteed her safe and lasting success. The faces that she chooses are often recurring, such as those of Flavio Insinna and Francesco Facchinetti with whom she introduced an element of continuity with respect to Singerto which is added that of Simona Ventura, protagonist of the latest edition of dancing with the Stars.

Then there is Mara Maionchi, a much loved name capable of bringing together multiple generations, and that of Sabrina Salerno, a guarantee when it comes to valorising art and talent as well as a great interpreter of television times. The presenter then played the Teo Mammucari card again, who was very popular in the last edition of Dancing.

“On the one hand they ask for news and on the other hand criticism rains down as you go out of your way. My group and I could easily get by in our comfort zone: if we did it in the spring Dancing with the stars o Dancing with champions the results would be certain. But we like to try new things and propose them to the public. We did it with The Masked Singer which was a success, which involved the younger audience, and we are doing it now by trying to rewrite the rules of the talent show, focusing the lens on the talent scouts: The Talent Catchers precisely. Then there is the issue of organized campaigns such as the rather squalid and predictable one that was organized before even seeing the program”, she explained further, extending her reply to the criticisms of the reasons that led her to make a choice of this type .

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