«Vladimir Luxuria is a man like me, but I don’t use my ass». The presenter responds to Francesco Benigno’s insults

«Vladimir Luxuria is a man like me, but I don’t use my ass». The presenter responds to Francesco Benigno’s insults
«Vladimir Luxuria is a man like me, but I don’t use my ass». The presenter responds to Francesco Benigno’s insults

The back and forth continues between Vladimir Luxuria And Francesco Benigno. The latest attack came from the former islander who seems not to have yet digested his exit from theIsland of the Famous. The actor and comedian was removed from the program after having had violent and dangerous behavior towards the other contestants on several occasions. The offending video was shown in recent episodes, after he repeatedly attacked Vladimir Luxuria and the production, accusing them of improprieties and more. In the latest attack Francesco Benigno published a shot of Vladimir Luxuria at the seaside with the caption: «After having seen last night’s ratings and after having made a fool of himself by telling us that Bruganelli had gone to Honduras (also this false news) to save the ratings Vladimiro decided to go to the island himself. Let’s hope it’s true this time! But it didn’t end here.

The attack on the user

The transphobic post was commented on by many users and viewers of the public, who accused Francesco Benigno that he was exaggerating with his attacks and that it would be wrong to “exhume” him. Needless to say, Benigno’s response didn’t take long to answer: «Reshume me? And in your opinion is this less serious than saying that Vladimiro is a male and that no one will be able to prove me wrong? However, unfortunately for you and your sad life, I have been there for 35 years and I will be there for another 35, always and in any case without bending 90 but with my strengths and abilities, without parents or brothers and do you know why? Because I also have cousins ​​like Vladimiro but I use them to achieve results, I don’t use my ass.”

A raging river that also reached the person concerned, Vladimir Luxuria who responded to Francesco Benigno’s horrible and discriminatory words.

Vladimir Luxuria’s answer

«I won’t stay silent», promises Vladimir Luxuria who responds to the bad words and insults from the former competitor. What is he going to do? In the meantime, many advise the presenter to take legal action for the insults she has received.


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