World Day / Aic’s commitment to dispelling false myths and fake news on celiac disease and gluten-free diets | Healthcare24

World Day / Aic’s commitment to dispelling false myths and fake news on celiac disease and gluten-free diets | Healthcare24
World Day / Aic’s commitment to dispelling false myths and fake news on celiac disease and gluten-free diets | Healthcare24

The gluten-free diet helps you lose weight and even those who are not celiac can follow it to benefit from it.
Celiac disease is a wheat allergy and is a temporary condition.
A person can be more or less celiac so, every now and then, it is possible to ‘transgress’ the gluten-free diet.
Celiac disease manifests itself only with gastrointestinal symptoms.
If you suspect you have celiac disease, immediately starting a gluten-free diet can do you nothing but good.
These are just some of the false myths and fake news that revolve around the gluten-free diet and celiac disease, a severe and still too underestimated disease.
Celiac disease is a permanent inflammatory intestinal disease with traits of auto-immunity which, in genetically predisposed subjects, is triggered by the intake of gluten, a protein complex found in wheat, barley and rye. The gluten-free diet is currently the only therapy available for celiac disease and must be followed for life.
In Italy there are approximately 600,000 people with celiac disease, of which almost 60% have not yet been diagnosed: according to the data collected and disseminated by the Ministry of Health (Annual Report to Parliament 2022) there are 251,939 patients diagnosed but, with a prevalence of the disease that is confirmed around 1%, it is estimated that around 400,000 are still waiting to receive a correct diagnosis. The ministry’s data also tell us that the female population is confirmed to be more affected by the disease with 70% of diagnosed cases (176,054) compared to 30% of males (75,885).
Although there is still a serious delay with which the patient reaches the diagnosis, since 2007 the number of diagnoses has been constantly growing, data which reassures us that the initiatives implemented at national and regional level are effective and confirms that the direction is correct but also that there is still a lot to do to guarantee an early diagnosis to all people with celiac disease.
World Celiac Disease Day is celebrated around the world on May 16th and for the occasion Aic – Italian Celiac Disease Association is promoting the tenth edition of National Celiac Disease Week: until May 19th numerous insights and events are planned throughout Italy to raise awareness and disseminate correct information on the disease with the aim of increasing awareness of this pathology and improving the quality of life of celiac people, a commitment that Aic has been carrying out for 45 years.
Free medical screening and consultations; meetings and advice from dieticians and nutritionists, online and in person; dissemination and information initiatives in direct contact with experts; open day of the local AIC offices to inform and distribute material and gadgets to the population; workshops for children and readings of fairy tales on celiac disease and inclusion, gluten-free cooking courses for adults and children: these are some of the numerous events dedicated to people with celiac disease, but not only, to talk correctly about celiac disease and the gluten-free diet.
An important space within the National Week is dedicated to young people and schools thanks to the program “Everyone at the table, all together: gluten-free menu days” which involves the distribution of a completely gluten-free menu for everyone in the school canteens. nursery and primary schools, with the aim of raising awareness and informing students, families and teachers about celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. Born in 2010, it now involves 400 Italian municipalities thanks also to the collaboration with Anci (National Association of Italian Municipalities): for this edition, over 450,000 meals were distributed.

* President of AIC-Italian Celiac Association

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