Capsaicin: benefits from analgesic effect to weight control

Known for being the active ingredient responsible for spicy flavour of chili pepper, capsaicin is actually much more, especially for its property beneficial. There capsaicin in fact it has important analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used in pain treatment associated with pathologies such as arthrosis and chronic muscle pain.

The analgesic properties of capsaicin

The Food and Drug Administration (the US government body that regulates food and pharmaceutical products) has approved the capsaicin creams as topical anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment in case of pain associated with certain pathologies: for example, some studies have shown that it could be effective in reducing lower back pain. This chemical compound in fact desensitizes the nerve cells that send painful signals to the body. Capsaicin patches are also commonly prescribed to relieve pain in those with diabetes, which can cause diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a pathology that can be very painful. A study has shown that these patches can significantly reduce pain in just 30 minutes. Capsaicin may also be useful in managing the pain of arthritis, headaches and psoriasis.

Capsaicin Improves muscle endurance

From a sporting point of view, capsaicin may be important for improving muscle endurance: this is because it has effects on the receptors involved in the release of calcium in the muscle. When you play sports for a long time, your muscles get tired and your cells release less and less calcium: a 2022 study explained that capsaicin can mitigate this drop in calcium by acting on specific muscle receptors.

It helps to lower blood pressure

There are studies that suggest how the intake of chili peppers and capsaicin in general can help lower blood pressure. On the other hand, however, you have to be careful not to overdo it, because this active ingredient could raise LDL cholesterol levelsthe “bad” one.

Improves weight control

Foods like chili they are often considered gods “metabolism stimulators”: they can in fact mitigate appetite, increase body temperature and calorie consumption, thus contributing to weight maintenance over time. Clearly capsaicin alone cannot be the key to losing weight, also because a excessive consumption of chili pepper is instead associated with a greater risk of obesity.

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Where is capsaicin found and how to use it

In foods, capsaicin is clearly found in chili pepper and also in cayenne pepper, but can also be used as an oral supplement. On a medical level, as mentioned, it is available both as a cream and as a patch to relieve pain. Nasal sprays containing capsaicin are sometimes used to treat allergies, but more research is needed to clarify the effectiveness of these treatments. In general, before using capsaicin, It is always good to consult your doctor.

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