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new commissioner appointed. It’s Francesca Bartolin

new commissioner appointed. It’s Francesca Bartolin
new commissioner appointed. It’s Francesca Bartolin

MAJOR CHAPEL (TREVISO) – Pro Loco: the commissioner has been appointed and, after this formal act, the association can resume its activities. He’s at the helm Francesca Bertolincurrently president of the Pro Loco of Fregona and of the Consorzio Pro Loco Prealpi, to have received from Unpli Veneto the assignment of commissioner of the Pro Loco of Cappella Maggiore. A figure of proven experience in the world of Pro Loco, already Commissioner of the Pro Loco of Colle Umberto, Francesca Bertolin will have the task of restarting one of the historical associations of the Municipality.

Francesca Bertolin, the issues to be addressed

The Pro Loco of Cappella Maggiore has, in fact, been affected more than many others by the problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, with ever-increasing difficulties in involving new people in the organizational activity. A situation that culminated with the request to Unpli Venetoby the members’ meeting held on May 10th of the service commissionershipwith the hope that this will bring new life to the association.

«The Pro Loco of Cappella Maggiore, with its 53 years of history, is one of the historical realities of our territory. – comments the new commissioner Francesca Bertolin – Over time it has been able to create numerous events which have always met with success and great participation. Unfortunately, in recent years the commitment of volunteers has waned but now we will get to work to give life to new projects linked above all to tourism and local productions”.

The first step will be meet the citizens to illustrate the activities that can be started e collect memberships: «I believe that the future of the Pro Loco is closely linked to the valorisation of the territory, its culture and its typical features. – concludes Bertolin -. In this sense, Cappella Maggiore offers an interesting heritage in cultural, naturalistic and gastronomic terms, first of all extra virgin olive oil; there are, therefore, all the conditions to develop moments of socialization and quality tourism projects, in coordination with other institutional and associative realities, in the wider territory of the Cansiglio foothills. Being a Pro Loco member means working for your community: there is no shortage of ideas, now we need capable people who want to test themselves.”


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

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