The map of the properties of the instrumental body of the Red Cross up for auction in July 2024 — idealista/news

The map of the properties of the instrumental body of the Red Cross up for auction in July 2024 — idealista/news
The map of the properties of the instrumental body of the Red Cross up for auction in July 2024 — idealista/news

New real estate opportunities are arriving at different latitudes of the country thanks to the plans for the disposal of residential assets managed by the Notary. In about a month, in fact, it will be the turn of the properties put up for sale byInstrumental body of the Italian Red Cross, whose auctions are scheduled for July 17th. idealista/news has prepared one map with the lots present in the notice. Let’s see all the useful information for submitting an offer for these real estate auctions.

Among the properties present in the list of properties up for auction, there are several real estate units. The property with the highest starting price is located in one of the hilly areas of greatest landscape and environmental value in Florence, it is a real estate complex with a starting price of almost 6 and a half million euros. But, of course, there are also properties that are much more accessible.

The Auction without enchantment consists in the presentation of secret, paper, digital or digitized paper offers, before the Notary Auctioneer or the Peripheral Notary (Notary Qualified for the Notarial Auction Network whose list can be consulted on the notary’s websites, for an amount at least equal to Auction base price indicated in the Lot List.

Furthermore, the Notary will award the Lot to the person who has submitted the valid offer of the highest value, not equaled by another valid offer. Only in the event that multiple valid Bids of the same amount are submitted, placed ex-aequo in first place in the ranking, will the Auction be launched between these bidders.

For each lot, in the sheet relating to the property specifically, the deadline for submitting the offer is specified. The properties in question will be sold through the Notarial Auction Network (RAN)the IT system created by National Council of Notaries for the management of online auctions.

In fact, through the connection from notary offices throughout Italy, it is possible for interested parties to participate in auctions via the web, being able to make bids even hundreds of kilometers from the property, breaking down territorial barriers with the guarantee and security of the notary.

The Notary Auction Network (RAN) is characterized by:

  • security by eliminating the risk of disruption and cloning; traceability of the documents and subjects participating in the procedure and application of anti-money laundering regulations;
  • accessibility of citizens who can participate through notary offices located throughout the territory;
  • transparency as the system’s actors witness all events in real time;
  • orientation of citizens who can request legal, fiscal or practical information from notaries.

How do you participate in a notarial telematic auction? A person interested in purchasing a property will no longer have to go to the professional where the auction is held, but can go to any notary firm participating in the RAN to deposit the deposit and make offers.

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