Harry and Meghan, the (real) reason for their escape: “Health at risk”, the truth after years

Harry and Meghan, the (real) reason for their escape: “Health at risk”, the truth after years
Harry and Meghan, the (real) reason for their escape: “Health at risk”, the truth after years

What is the real reason that led Harry and Meghan to flee? Apparently the health of one of the two was at risk: here’s what emerged.

Harry and Meghan’s escape from London left everyone speechless and the real reasons for this decision were never clarified. But now, after years, the truth has come to light that has to do with the health of the Dukes of Sussex.

Harry and Meghan, the (real) reason for fleeing London – Photo Ansa – sardegnaoggi.it

The escape from London of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle went down in history as Megexit. But why did the two quickly decide to say goodbye to the Royal Family and a life of comfort? The real reason would concern the health conditions of the two royals.

Harry and Meghan, farewell to London: the two fled to protect themselves

The second son of King Charles and his wife reportedly made the decision to move to America”fearing for their sanity“, but above all for Megha’s. The couple resigned from the Royal Family in 2020 and decided to make a new life in California, in Montecito. Since then they have given interviews, written books and made documentaries in which they spoke openly about the problems that led to their escape. Right in his book entitled SpareHarry clearly spoke about how he and his wife made such a difficult decision.

Harry and Meghan, the (real) reason for fleeing London – Photo Ansa – sardegnaoggi.it

Prince Harry, as reported by the Mirrorhe has declared: “Once upon a time this would have been my forever home. Instead it turned out to be just another short stop“, referring to Frogmore Cottagand where he had returned for Prince Philip’s funeral. When my wife and I fled this place, fearing for our sanity And our physical safety, I wasn’t sure when I would be back. It was January 2020. Now, fifteen months later, here I am, days after waking up with thirty-two missed calls and then a short, heart-pounding chat with Grandma: Harry… Grandpa’s gone“.

In short, Harry has returned to the United Kingdom several times and will certainly have felt feelings of nostalgia for the place where he was born and raised, but the need to protect his family will not bring him back. Markle has in fact decided not to join her husband in London and her last visit to the English capital took place on the occasion of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

Fabiana Coppola

I am Fabiana Coppola, born in Naples in 1989. I obtained a three-year degree in Communication Sciences and a master’s degree in Journalism Professions and Publishing. From 2013 to 2016 I have collaborated for various online sites such as Nuova Luce, and on the paper Il Roma in the sports section. From 2016 to today I have collaborated with the registered newspaper Vocedinapoli.it for which I mainly deal with news and gossip. In addition to drafting the texts, I manage the editorial plan by collaborating with the director. In 2020 I created, in collaboration, an editorial project designed for women: Nonsolodonne.it. Since 2021 I have been collaborating with the Web 365 company. Initially I wrote for Ciaostyle.it dealing with fashion. My interests, which I prefer to write about, are lifestyle, gossip, health and crime news.

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