Mara Maionchi, tears for what happened to her: it’s not right

Mara Maionchi, tears for what happened to her: it’s not right
Mara Maionchi, tears for what happened to her: it’s not right

Mara Maionchi tears and sadness for what happened, she didn’t expect it: here are the details of the story.

One of the women who completely changed the world of Italian entertainment by discovering talents who today are the pupils of many fans all over the world is herself, the most outspoken record producer in Italy: we are talking about Mara Maionchi. Over the years, despite the success she achieved in many talent shows, she also had to face some bad moments that marked her forever: let’s tell what happened to her in the course of this article of ours.

Marà Maiocchi unpublished confession – credit ansa –

Many define her as a strong and rebellious woman for her decisive character who does not tell her what to say. This is why Mara Maionchi has conquered her audience, above all they have learned to appreciate and love her for her funny performances during talent shows such as X Factor and Friends.

Over the years, not everyone knows it but Mara together with her husband Alberto Salerno have given space through their record company to talents who later became stars all over the world; among these there are Tiziano Ferro and Gianna Nannini. Precisely thanks to her flair for spotting talent that Mara Maionchi changed the lives of many of them by exploding not only their talent but also their sensational success.

Some time ago, the woman stated precisely about Tiziano Ferro: “It had a timbre of fundamental beauty, it had something particular, we chased it and signed a production contract. We found the team and ‘I can’t explain it’ was born, when we heard it, we understood that a star had been born“.

Mara Maionchi and the discussion that cornered her: here’s what happened

Guest of the very famous television program L’Acchiappatalenti hosted by Milly Carlucci, Mara Maionchi was the protagonist of a heated discussion with a well-known colleague who really put her in a corner: we are talking about him, Teo Mammuccari.

Mara Maionchi confession – credit ansa –

The woman decided to bet everything on the female dance group Black Widow, even deciding to perform in a performance. At the end of it she was teased by the Roman comedian and presenter to whom she replied and then burst into a flood of tears. Mara Maionchi commented: “I would like to say one thing straight away, I made a mistake, it’s my fault, they did it right. I am sorry”.

The comedian, however, immediately commented: “I’m not stupid, this is yesterday’s evidence. Today she was still the whole time and only for a second she moved her head. That’s a clean 4.”

However, the words went astray for Mara Maionchi who burst into tears, justifying that it was a simple emotion due to the adrenaline she had just experienced. It’s really like this? The judges, however, decided to reward her by giving her all 9s for a total of 27 points overall.

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