Elisabetta Gregoraci, flashback confirmed: “Love” | Nothing but the end of the story

Elisabetta Gregoraci – iFood.it

Elisabetta Gregoraci just can’t give it up: this is what the beautiful presenter can’t do without, who often gives in to the call that comes from the bottom of her heart.

Calabrian by birth, the beautiful Elisabetta Gregoraci has come a long way since she began taking her first steps in the world of entertainment participating in numerous local beauty pageants of his land.

To launch her career she found herself at a very young age move to Rome to study dance and acting: a fundamental choice to find a place of its own in the television panorama in which beauty is certainly an important business card.

Valletta, model and then presenter, Elisabetta Gregoraci has grown very professionally over time, managing to gain the leading role in successful shows, such as “Made in Sud”.

It was above all his who ended up in the crosshairs of gossip relationship with Flavio Briatore: the two got married in 2008 and two years later became parents of Nathan Falcoattracting media attention.

Elisabetta Gregoraci and Flavio Briatore: a bond that has never been broken

The bond between Elisabetta Gregoraci and Flavio Briatore was harshly criticized by those who judged with prejudice a love characterized by a strong age difference. The feeling between the rich entrepreneur and the showgirl faded over time until it reached a point of no return.

The two, however, never really moved away they continued to date and appear just like a family in public. Both have always expressed great words of affection and esteem to each other. «She will always be part of my family, she gave me the most important thing I have, my son. This alone deserves all my respect.”declared Briatore regarding Gregoraci in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

Elisabetta Gregoraci on Ig-iFood.it

Elisabetta cannot resist the call: beyond all distance

Elisabetta has never left Briatore alone: ​​it was a short time ago admitted to the San Raffaele hospital in Milan to undergo heart surgery. Gregoraci remained at her side throughout the hospitalization necessary to fight this benign heart tumor. The two then celebrated their son’s birthday together.

A bond, therefore, that does not seem destined to fade with time, just like the love that Elisabetta has for a beautiful Italian location. We are talking about Capri, which represents a real passion for the presenter, to be experienced whenever she can: the sensual Calabrian never misses an opportunity to spend a few days in this very famous tourist destination.

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