the TV presenter returns to Mediaset

After a year away from the company and from television in general, it’s almost time to see Ilary Blasi again on the small screen.

Ilary Blasi ( Instagram photo @ilaryblasi

Ilary Blasy has been absent from television for exactly one year. After hosting the 2023 edition of “L’Isola dei Famosi”, we heard nothing more about her regarding the small screen. While much still continues to be said regarding the thorny affair of the divorce from Francesco Totti.

In this sense Ilary Blasi told her truth in the documentary, which takes on the tone of a fiction sometimes, made exclusively for Netflix. Which brought her visibility and money, having sold the exclusive to the well-known streaming platform. And the same happened with the book published at the end of January.

For what seemed to most to be two smart choices. Months and months of silence regarding the divorce from Totti have created anticipation about her version of her events, told in ways that have ensured her significant revenues. And what about television, which has always been Ilary Blasi’s area of ​​belonging?

She made some appearances on “Verissimo” by her lifelong friend, Silvia Toffanin. They both started on the small screen on “Passaparola” at the end of the nineties, when they were very young, with Gerry Scotti (who in the meantime revived “La Ruota della Fortuna”. And beyond that, nothing more. But it seems that there is something cooking.

Ilary Blasi, returning to TV for Canale 5’s summer event

Ilary Blasi posing ( Instagram photo @ilaryblasi

There was no longer room for her in the 2023/2024 schedule. It must be said that Blasi did not have a contract and that probably, like several other VIPs, such as Pierluigi Pardo in her time, she was linked to Mediaset with agreements as an external collaborator.

In any case, there could now be space again for the 43-year-old Roman. Which would take Elisabetta Gregoraci’s place as host of the traditional summer event “Beats Live”. For many this event represents a bit of a modern and smaller version of the former Festivalbar.

The episodes of “Battiti Live” will be recorded between June 21st and 23rd in Molfetta, in the province of Bari. Two more dates will then be added to these with a location yet to be established. It is very likely that everything could take place in a northern location, between the Romagna Riviera, the Verona Arena and Lignano Sabbiadoro.

At “Battiti Live” there will also be Rebecca Staffelli, daughter of the well-known Valerio of “Striscia la Notizia”, ​​and the more experienced and always appreciated Alvin. There will be several big names in Italian music and many of them took part in the 2024 Sanremo Festival.

Between Angelina Mango, Emma Marrone, Alessandra Amoroso, Geolier, Irama, there is a lot to choose from. Furthermore, Fedez, Emis Killa, Alex Britti and several other artists are also expected to perform.

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