“What happens with William”, Kate’s (intimate) secrets revealed to the Palace

As the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, grapples with the disease, her secrets may soon be revealed.

Princess Kate Middleton is going through one of the most difficult moments of her existence, so much so that she has not appeared in public since last December, due to her illness.

Kate and William (photo loop)-galleriaborghese.it

After a few months of plotting and speculation about what had happened to her, the princess let everyone know that she had fallen ill and was battling cancer. It is not known exactly what type of cancer she has but what is known, as she herself specified during the announcement to the BBC, is that she is undergoing preventive chemotherapy to recover as soon as possible.

In the meantime, she has disappeared from the radar, as she herself had asked for when she asked for more privacy, and it is not yet known when she will be able to return to the public. Many are wondering if she will make a brief appearance on Saturday 15 June on the occasion of the Trooping The Color event, even if it seems that it won’t be there. So we’ll see what happens. Meanwhile, some of her secrets could soon be revealed which also concern her relationship with her husband William.

Kate, her secrets revealed in a book: what’s happening

From what we learn, the secrets of the Princess of Wales could be revealed in a book to be released in August in Italy and in July in the UK.

William and Kate (photo loop) -galleriaborghese.it

The book is the work of a well-known biographer, Robert Jobson and could reveal secrets of the relationship between William and Kate, and how she managed, as an ordinary citizen, to conquer the prince and future king of England. These are revelations that concern the before and after the Duchess of Cambridge’s arrival at the Palace.

The author describes the princess as a woman of great intelligence, ambitious, determined. The biographer worked on the life of the Princess of Wales, using various sources, both close to the royals and not. You should talk about the work ethic that the Duchess has always demonstrated, of the fact that both have become very loved by their subjects, but also of the scandals they have experienced, especially after the revelations about their relationships with Harry and Meghan.

Therefore, a volume that promises to reveal various background stories and secrets that have not yet emerged, and above all to reveal the true Catherine in the rounddelving into what made her become the woman she currently is.

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