Kevin Spacey’s tears live: «They put my house up for auction, I don’t know where I’ll live now»

Kevin Spacey’s tears live: «They put my house up for auction, I don’t know where I’ll live now»
Kevin Spacey’s tears live: «They put my house up for auction, I don’t know where I’ll live now»

“I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my things in storage. The house was put up for auction, I had been living there since 2012 when we started shooting House of Cards there. I’m not entirely sure where I’m going to live now” speaking into the microphones of the hugely popular YouTube channel Piers Morgan Uncensored is Kevin Spacey, acquitted by the Southwark court after being accused of sexually assaulting four men in the period between 2001 and 2013, as well as by the New York court for the accusation of Anthony Rapp, who accused him of having suffered violence when he was only 14 years old. In reality, there are at least fifty men who over the years, since the scandal broke out, have declared that they have suffered inappropriate behavior on the part of the well-known actor, but the only trial still underway appears to be one brought forward by a man who in 2022, after receiving advances from Spacey, he sued him for psychological damage. Chanel 4 in May 2023 told everything in the documentary Spacey Unmasked, strongly contested by Spacey in the interview with Morgan: «There is an appropriate place to respond to the accusations against me and it is not Channel 4. Every time I have been offered the appropriate time and place to defend myself the accusations have been dropped and I was exonerated.” All true, the actor has never yet been convicted by any court, yet his career and reputation have been left in tatters: first his dismissal from House of Cardthe series that he, with his (usual) masterful interpretation, had made one of the very first cult serial products in the world, then the exclusion from All the money in the worldRidley Scott’s film about the John Paul Getty kidnapping.

So much emotion during the interview, several touching moments for the two-time Oscar-winning actor (The usual suspects, American Beauty), but no step back from his own faults, he admits «I caressed people, I was kind, that’s how I am. You’re hitting on someone, you don’t want to be aggressive, you want to be nice, see if they’ll respond positively. They should let you know that they don’t want to do it, so that you can understand that it’s not consensual, and stop. I am a very romantic person – she says – and this side of me has never been told, there is nothing violent in me and this thing destroys me.” So much anger towards a world, that of Hollywood cinema, which has not given him a second chance: «I live in an industry that makes speeches about redemption a real pride. We always talk about giving a second chance and giving back a place in society to those who have been wrongly accused or have been released from prison, but when you are part of the entertainment industry this new opportunity is not offered to you. This is an absurd situation and I hope that common sense will soon prevail.”

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