“They thought I was dead” – DiLei

The one who set foot in the studio of very true And a new Costantino Vitagliano. Much more serene look compared to the last interview granted in this studio. The spirit seems to have changed radically, the result of good news received, finally. Here’s how he is and what the next stages of his journey are.

How is Costantino Vitagliano

He has gained a few kilos back and this is a symptom of a important physical recovery. It is the first thing that Costantino underlined, clearly gripped by his own image reflected in the mirror in recent months. Toffanin tells Silvia that she feels much better, since fortunately she the therapy is working.

Right at very true he explained in January that he suffered from one rare autoimmune disease. A bolt from the blue that turned his life upside down. Together with the doctors who treated him, they went on a bit of trial and error, he explained. Eventually it was given to him a second daily initiationin addition to what was already planned, and the result was surprising.

The halo that was around my abdominal area has decreased by half. From 36mm to less than 15mm. It won’t heal but I will be able to resume my life normally. To do this we will have to get below 5 mm. I started this therapy a month ago, reducing the cortisone which gave me discomfort. Last time I was here I was afraid to go into the studio. Something absurd for me.”

Today he is calmer and is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. He has a different energy in his voice, but above all less fear in his eyes. Splendid news for anyone who loves him, especially his loved ones.

Constantine and his daughter Ayla

When reviewing the video of his previous interview and the summary of his medical history, Costantino cannot hold back his tears. Eyes shining when talking about his daughter Ayla. His birth changed his life for the better. His imprint is indelible and made him understand how much good becoming a father earlier would have done him.

“The fear of losing her was the final blow for me. She understood that I wasn’t well. She also came to the hospital. Now it’s nice and I can play with her. I can pick her up again.”

At first he was afraid of not succeeding, feeling very weak. He didn’t even try, fearing he would convey fears to her that at his age she shouldn’t have had. It is clear that peace has returned to her daily life and, thanks also to a calm agreement with the mother of her little girl, he can live it without limits: “I see her once a week and two weekends a month. Then let’s go on holiday together. She is 8 years old and is a sportswoman, in fact she does dance and volleyball. My daughter is a smiling little girl and I can’t say anything to her mom in this respect. Between us she didn’t go and it’s no one’s fault ”.

The pain for the mother

A very intense interview, which pushed Costantino Vitagliano to get naked. His biggest mistake, which he certainly wouldn’t repeat, is that of not having spent enough time with his mother.

“I wouldn’t have thought only about money, resorting to those things which, in the end, make you understand that something else is more important. The god of money is useful to everyone but I should have spent more time with her, when she was around. Today I can’t do anything but I always tell everyone not to run away from home. You don’t know when they won’t be there anymore. Today I regret it, because I came to her, ate and ran away”.

Costantino Vitagliano’s regrets

Looking over his shoulder, Costantino explained that he hadn’t always been master of his own time, On the contrary. When he was at the peak of his career and in great demand, one might have thought that he was managing the reins of his life, but that wasn’t the case.

There were things to do and he followed the program, he explained. Nobody forced him, except his own hunger for success. He had a goal in mind and he entrusted himself to those who could allow him to reach it.

Today, however, he no longer wants to waste a moment and advises everyone to simply throw themselves in: “If you have a job, a trip or maybe an experience in mind, do it. Time then passes, and get rid of the negative people in your life. Hold on to those who make you laugh.”

Today he is in a very different working phase but he has learned to react. Some people on the street thought he was dead and have no problem speaking to him frankly about private and sensitive issues. He is also to blame for what appeared on social media and on some sites the moment he entered the hospital – “They said I was one step away from death” – and after his first interview with Toffanin.

I miss the people from my successful period. I had created a context around me and they were my friends. Once that’s over, though, I’m all gone. I still have my street friends. Today there are also those who meet me and don’t greet me. Maybe they have a straw tail.”

The future

Fortunately There is no operation in Costantino Vitagliano’s future. His doctor is satisfied with the reaction of his body and there will be no need to go under the knife. As far as daily life is concerned, as he explained, the big difference is also given by the lowering of the doses of cortisone, which caused him sudden changes in mood.

“It’s absurd for me to be afraid of coming here to you, Silvia. This is my home and it’s something I’ve been doing for 30 years. I couldn’t manage my moods. Today I started training again and, after losing 20 kg, I gained 7 back. When I left the hospital I still felt strong, but then I looked in the mirror and I didn’t recognize myself.”

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