Fedez-Iovino, the amount of the agreement revealed: the mother intervenes

The attack against Cristiano Iovinoand the subsequent accusation a Fedez investigated for brawl and injuries, it has become a real media case, as well as a legal one. It seems, however, as revealed in recent days, that the two protagonists of the affair have decided to close the matter with a economic agreement. In other words, Iovino would have waived legal action against the rapper in exchange for one truly crazy figuremade known by Gabriele Parpiglia to the microphones of RTL 102.5. Let’s find out more.

Economic agreement between Fedez and Iovino: “Lots, lots of money”

After the expert Davide Maggioto Afternoon Fivehad already given some clue stating: “I won’t say the exact amount, but they reported it to me, but I didn’t have the opportunity to delve into it, but we’re talking about a lot, a lot of money“, to give further details regarding the economic agreement between Cristiano Iovino and Fedez Gabriele Parpiglia.

There was an agreement, according to legal sources, by Fedez’s lawyers and Cristiano Iovino. The figure could not be known in theory, but I am a journalist and I make use of the right to report. Because there is a confidentiality agreement between the parties, therefore a secrecy pact – he revealed Parpiglia to the microphones of RTL 102.5It appears to me that the figure is between 400 and 500 thousand euros. At the same time there is the sale of the villa (Villa Matilda ed.) two things that could coincide. Faced with such a figure, Iovino does not make a complaint, but the complaint continues automatically. Since there is no plaintiff, he has less weight“.

It is said that there is 500 thousand euros less in Fedez’s account, it’s true“, he then concluded journalist. A figure which, if true, would truly be da dizziness.

Criticism on social media, Fedez’s mother intervenes

Fedez he is certainly not going through a good time, and attacks against him are now very frequent on social media, both with regards to separation from Chiara Ferragni that the latest judicial events with Cristiano Iovino.

To take the field in his defence but she thought about it mother Annamaria Berrinzaghiwho underlined his strength with two stories on Instagram contempt for those who continue to attack their child even in such a delicate moment for him.

The stories in question report one screen with the meaning of the word envyfollowed by a sentence that says: “It must be bad to rejoice in other people’s misfortunes. How sad!“. We don’t know if Annamaria wanted to refer to someone in particular (such as Selvaggia Lucarellijust as some web users claim) or whether it was a general comment, but his thoughts appeared in any case more than clear.

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