“Morbid Greta with Peron”. Bruganelli defends her – DiLei

“Morbid Greta with Peron”. Bruganelli defends her – DiLei
“Morbid Greta with Peron”. Bruganelli defends her – DiLei

A cloud of humidity and an unbearable heat have put the castaways to the test in these last days Island of the Famous but it wasn’t just the climate that disturbed the tranquility. It had already emerged from the last episode that Rosanna Lodi did not look favorably on him Greta Zuccarello’s attitudes towards Samuel Peron, in his opinion all too intimate and complicit. In the episode of Monday 13 May she reiterated the concept, defining the dancer as “manipulative” and “morbid” towards the dance teacher. Dancing with the Stars and the Spirit ofIsland he invoked the intervention of the one who, after all, would be the direct interested party in this whole story: Tania Bambaci, Peron’s partner and mother of their only child. In the meantime, however, Sonia Bruganelli has taken Zuccarello’s defense.

Rosanna Lodi’s accusations against Greta Zuccarello

“Profiter”, “manipulator”, “achiever” are just some of the epithets that Rosanna Lodi used to describe Greta Zuccarello. The cook from Romagna doesn’t seem to digest the dancer’s attitudes, which she says are too intimate towards Samuel Peron. Rosanna he had already insinuated that there was “some tenderness” between the twoor rather by Greta and in the episode ofIsland of the Famous which aired on Monday 13 May reiterated the concept.

Manipulator and calculator in the sense that she is playing her part in the game, she knows when it’s time to make sweet eyes or raise her tone and attack you – she said in the face to face invoked by Vladimir Luxuria -. (…) In my house when someone has a one and a half year old son with a wife there must not be this morbidity. (…) In my opinion you were too close. I can be his friend, love him, respect his work, but I’m not so attached to him. (…) If I had a man at home waiting for me I wouldn’t be so attached, even if we are friends, if we love each other, we respect each other at work. (…) I’ll tell you to your face, in my opinion you were wrong“.

Greta Zuccarello said she was completely unrelated to this insinuation, which she defined “totally out of place”. But Rosanna didn’t bat an eyelid, remaining firm on her position.

Sonia Bruganelli defends Greta with all her might

At the end of this face-to-face Vladimir Luxuria asked for the intervention of the columnist Sonia Bruganelli who, according to many viewers and commentators on it would not be completely disinterested and impartial. Since the beginning of this edition of theIsland of the FamousIn fact, many have underlined how Zuccarello is one of his “protégés”, being part of his stable of artists.

His words would, in fact, reflect this version of events. Bruganelli fiercely defended Greta for the umpteenth time, harshly attacking Rosanna: “You have to be careful what you sayit’s okay that you feel very Julia Roberts playing the part of the woman of the people… (…) You babble nonsense for about ten days continuously and among other things I believe that in your position it is very easy to say what you are saying, because you arrived there as a complete stranger and you have nothing to lose. (…) Even if what you are saying were true, the bad faith lies in the fact that you are not declaring it for the purposes of the game but to create problems. (…) You must not enter other people’s families, especially if it doesn’t concern you.”

Island of the Famous, eliminated on Monday 13 May 2024

In the chaos ofIslandgreat anticipation was focused on the result of the televoting which saw three castaways competing for salvation: Rosanna Lodi, Samuel Peron and Artur Dainese. As anticipated at the beginning of the episode by Vladimir Luxuria, the provisional percentages were divided into 50%, 26% and 24% which, listening to the polls, would mean salvation for Samuel Peron and defeat, therefore direct elimination, for Rosanna Lodi.

The predictions were right: Rosanna Lodi was eliminated from the public of the Island of the Famous. Her discussions didn’t bring her any good but at least she was able to remove a stone from herself by giving the “Judas kiss” to her bitter enemy, Greta Zuccarello.

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