Insults to Luxuria, the response to Benigno: “I won’t give you visibility, I won’t report you out of respect for your son.” The actor: «I told the truth» – The video

Insults to Luxuria, the response to Benigno: “I won’t give you visibility, I won’t report you out of respect for your son.” The actor: «I told the truth» – The video
Insults to Luxuria, the response to Benigno: “I won’t give you visibility, I won’t report you out of respect for your son.” The actor: «I told the truth» – The video

«The people who insult are not defining the people who are insulted, but they are defining themselves. My only lawyer will be, as always, my conscience.” Vladimir Luxuria responds with a video on Instagram to the latest insults that Francesco Benigno addressed to her on social media. Poisonous aftermath of the actor’s exclusion from The Island of the Famous for “unsuitable behavior prohibited by the regulation”, as the production had explained. But which provoked the anger of the actor who, in the last month, systematically targeted the program and its presenter, denouncing that he had been sent away unfairly. However, the recriminations became insults, homophobic and sexist, so Luxuria in a post made it clear that he would take further action. But now he clarifies: he will not talk about it on TV, nor with a lawyer. «You, Mr. Benigno, have attacked the most precious thing I have, my identity and my dignity, and I won’t allow you to do this. Now she writes those things against me. I understand that you are running out of arguments, I could have said these things on TV, a powerful medium, I could have given her the satisfaction of being quoted, of having her visibility. However, I don’t do it on equal terms: just as she seriously insulted me on social media, I respond calmly on social media”, explains the presenter of the reality, «reading those things so vulgar, so un-Christian about me, you have defined what kind of man he is. I know that if I reported her I would most likely be able to extract money from her but I don’t do it especially out of respect for your son because I know that the economic situation is not prosperous so I don’t feel like making him pay for something he had nothing to do with. Dear Mr. Benigno, you can write what you want on social media. Silence falls for me.”

Francesco Benigno’s response

If Vladimir Luxuria’s intentions were to put a stop to the matter once and for all, that didn’t happen. In fact, we didn’t have to wait long for the actor’s response, who in a video replies to Luxuria by continuing to address him in the masculine way. «Don’t ever think of giving up acting because you are so fake in this video that only those few close to your world can defend a person who has done all sorts of things to me», replied the actor, «leave the children alone, you confirmed how small you are. You can’t report me because I told the truth. You would have said anything but they didn’t let you.” According to Benigno, the presenter does not report him because she would have lost the case: «Mr. Benigno – she says of herself in the third person, ed – he has been offended, mocked, defamed, attacked and now even making fun of my son by saying he doesn’t report because he doesn’t want to take money away from my son. Thank you, Vladimiro Guadagnobut we would never have given you money.”

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