Today’s Buys from Banca Ifis to Tamburi

Today’s Buys from Banca Ifis to Tamburi
Today’s Buys from Banca Ifis to Tamburi

Equita assigns a buy to:

Ifis Bank con fair value Of 24 euro (restructuring of factoring credit securitization concluded), Indeb B con target price Of 26,50 euro (partial takeover bid: adhesion beyond the maximum quantity of 315 thousand shares, equal to 5.39% of the share capital), Italian Exhibition Group con target price Of 5,70 euro (interview with CEO Peraboni: medium-term targets reiterated, focus on growth abroad and on the capex plan in Italy), Mayor Tecnomont con fair value Of 8,20 euro (feasibility study and Pre-FEED for Nextchem), Moltiply con objective Of 48 euro (purchase of Switcho: bolt-on M&A in the energy & telco online comparison segment in Italy), Sabaf con objective Of 22 euro (ideas from a meeting with management: the expectation of solid growth in the second quarter capable of improving visibility on estimates is confirmed) and Tamburi Investment Partners con target Of 12,70 euro (Gianni Tamburi declared in an interview: “the slowdown in private equity expands the opportunities for industrial combinations and IPOs”).

Intesa Sanpaolo judges buy:

D’Amico Internation Shipping con target price Of 5 euro (exercise of a call option on a tanker), EuroGroup Lamination con target price Of 5 euro (new credit lines signed for a maximum total amount of 140 million euros), Iveco Group e Leonardo con fair value respective of 16,80 e 26,10 euro (new contract for the supply of 28 Centaur II to the Italian Army), Prysminan con objective Of 68 euro (the CEO confirmed the 140 million euros as the target of the synergies with the purchase of Encore Wire) e Industrial Series con target Of 7 euro (the Board of Directors acknowledged the impossibility of implementing the second cycle of stock options by 30 June due to the long recruitment process of strategic managers, still ongoing).

Deutsche Bank assigns a buy to:

Brembo con objective Of 13 euro (start of title coverage).

Alphavalue judges add:

Saipem con target Of 2,88 euro.

Buy full Sim currency:

Lindbergh with fair value of 4,60 euro (preliminary acquisition agreement EPS)

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