In Rome and Frosinone the Euronics brands fire via WhatsApp

In Rome and Frosinone the Euronics brands fire via WhatsApp
In Rome and Frosinone the Euronics brands fire via WhatsApp

Fired with a WhatsApp message, during working hours, with an invitation to leave immediately. This is what happened to some employees of Nova Casale Srl, one of the companies that employ workers within the Euronics stores.

Layoffs at Euronics stores

The method is confirmed by the trade unions who are dealing with the dispute, which has been erupting for weeks now. As we reported on 21 June, Fisascat Cisl and Filcams Cgil are denouncing a layoff plan by the brands that collaborate with Euronics Italia Spa, which would potentially involve 600 workers, especially between Rome and Frosinone.

A communication on WhatsApp

The WhatsApp message, containing a letter of a few lines signed by the sole director of Nova Casale Srl, is lapidary: “Your employment relationship ceases at the same time as the receipt of this letter – the onset of the communication – with your exemption from the prescribed period of notice, in lieu of which you will be paid the corresponding compensation in lieu”. The conclusion, before the “best regards” is this: “We invite you to return without delay any company assets that are still in your possession”.

“They refuse any comparison”

Four employees of a store in Casal del Marmo, a western suburb of the capital, received this communication. But as Fabrizio Pilotti of Filcams Cgil Roma and Lazio explains, “we expect about 30 layoffs also in Frosinone, this time from Kus Srl,” confirms the union representative. He continues: “The Euronics-branded companies refuse any type of discussion, because they do not consider us representative. In fact, they have all signed the collective agreement with Cisal.” A contract that, as Giulia Falcucci of Fisascat Cisl explained, “from the elimination of the fourteenth salary to less paid sick leave, provides less protection than the trade agreement.”

Shops closed

The crisis, however, would not be limited to Rome and Frosinone or even just to Lazio, given the presence of sales points in Lombardy. According to what RomaToday has learned, workers are also awaiting notices of dismissal in Rieti and Pomezia. Another Roman store that has closed is in via Isacco Newton al Portuense.

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