the appointments are postponed, from Cdp to Rai

ROME Those who are following the nomination game have renamed it the “Graziano general variable”. Referring to the sudden disappearance of the former Chief of Defense Staff, president of Fincantieri since 2022, and implying that the position left vacant in the last few hours did not facilitate the composition of the risk for the renewal of the top management of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp ), Rai and Railways. The CDP meeting was scheduled for yesterday, but once again the green light signal did not arrive from the Treasury, so the deadline was postponed to June 27, the same day as the Railways meeting. The majority forces therefore take another week to establish the details of a puzzle, which however is well underway.

The names for Cdp and Fs

In recent days, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni hoped to find an agreement in Brussels on the package of European appointments and, once she returned to Rome, to address the dossier of public subsidiaries. The European negotiations are instead requiring longer times, with inevitable repercussions on the calendar of Roman appointments. Furthermore, yesterday the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, was in Luxembourg engaged in the Eurogroup. Hence the need to move everything by at least seven days. It remains that on the operational scheme adopted between Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia there would be, for example, agreement on the reconfirmation of Dario Scannapieco as head of Cdp, as well as on the name of Stefano Donnarumma (former number one of Acea and Terna) for the role of CEO of Ferrovie.

Doubts about the presidency

An agreement would now have also been reached on the future management structure of Rai: the CEO should be the current general director, Giampaolo Rossi, with an FDI share, while the presidency would go to Simona Agnes, popular with Forza Italia. In short, the other boxes are still to be sorted out, starting from the presidency of Ferrovie, where the winner could be Tommaso Tanzilli, currently councilor of the FS group and close to Fratelli d’Italia, but among the profiles appreciated by the prime minister’s party Teo Luzi, general commander of the Carabinieri, would also be there. The Treasury in Railways is responsible for indicating five additional directors (currently three women are present on the board, including the president Nicoletta Giadrossi).

The Cassa advisors

Also to be concluded is the distribution of directors in CDP, where the president and two members are appointed by the foundations in their capacity as minority shareholders (the names have already been indicated and they are Giovanni Gorno Tempini, confirmed for the presidency, as well as by Lucia Calvosa and Luigi Guiso). The places to be assigned for the board of the Via Goito institute remain five, with the caveat that the gender quota has so far provided for the presence of four women out of the total nine members of the board of directors.

The match in Rai and Fincantieri

On the Rai side, the positions available to politicians, net of president and CEO, are a total of four, while the fifth director is chosen by the assembly of employees of the Viale Mazzini group. The current board includes, among others, Igor De Biasio, a Lega member and current president of Terna, and Agnes herself. The last piece of weight to be settled is, as mentioned, the presidency of Fincantieri, a position that could be held by Luzi himself, thus confirming the custom of a defense representative as president of the shipbuilding group, which produces both cruise ships and military ships. If Luzi is appointed, the government should, among other things, identify his successor at the helm of the Carabinieri.

Candidates for Netco

The future organization of Netco, the former TIM network company, controlled by KKR and 16% owned by the Treasury (with the right to two seats on the board), also falls into the nomination risk. It will be led by Luigi Ferraris, outgoing CEO of Ferrovie, on behalf of KKR, while the president will be Massimo Sarmi, former CEO of Poste Italiane from 2001 to 2014. Andrea Ducci

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