Revenue Agency, with this debt they will now foreclose immediately: no one will be saved

Revenue Agency, with calculator and money in euros (Depositphotos)

Shocking news regarding the new legislation of the Revenue Agency: pay the debt or risk foreclosure.

Lately, Italians are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the news from the Government and public bodies when it comes to money. Increases in prices, low or insufficient salaries to pay all taxes, do nothing but agitate the climate.

The citizens, however, this time received news they would never have imagined. Comes directly fromRevenue Agency and proposes the foreclosure as the only solution for those who do not pay theirs debts. Needless to say, this communication received a lot of criticism and contrary thoughts.

But, this is exactly how things are, so we need to find out more details about it, to avoid running into irreparable problems. Here’s everything you need to know.

The latest news on foreclosures

To regulate the methods with which the Revenue Agency can recover the taxpayer’s credits, through executive actions, there is the Decree of the President of the Republic, n.602 of the 1973. The procedures for forced debt collection are specified in thearticle 75 bis of the aforementioned decree. After 60 days from notification of the payment document, therefore, the Revenue Agency can request third parties to indicate assets or sums owed to the creditor. Clearly, this only happens if the person has not paid what they are owed.

Furthermore, the recipient of the request may also be subject to sanctions if he or she omits part of the information to be transmitted. There administrative sanction go on 2,000 euros to the 21,000 euros. Thanks to Budget Law 2024 and to thearticle 75 terthen, the Revenue Agency will be able to use telematic methods and IT tools to collect all the necessary information, from any source, before starting the enforcement action forced recovery.

Couple with a perplexed expression in front of the bills to pay (Depositphotos)

The objectives of the standard

The main objectives of the law are the maximization of collection efficiency, the speeding up of forced debt collection, and preventing the debtor from adopting evasive behavior to hide his assets. Clearly, the Revenue Agency is required to comply with the privacy of the debtor and to protect his personal data. All this is defined and established by second paragraph of thearticle 75 ter.

Thanks to this innovation, therefore, the Revenue Agency will be able to become aware of all the assets belonging to the debtor and take enforcement action as it sees fit. No one will be saved or excluded from this process unless all debts have been paid.

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NEXT the Revenue Agency circular on the new provisions from 1 July 2024