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Ryanair flight overbooked: offered 250 euros and a free trip to get off the plane

Ryanair flight overbooked: offered 250 euros and a free trip to get off the plane
Ryanair flight overbooked: offered 250 euros and a free trip to get off the plane

Yesterday’s Ryanair Bergamo-Palma de Mallorca flight was overbooked. There was one too many passengers on board. An error when purchasing the ticket online. At the gate no one noticed the problem. And so once all the passengers got on the plane, chaos broke out. The plane did not take off until someone agreed to get off the plane in exchange for financial compensation of 250 euros and a free flight.

What happened on board

When the on-board staff realized that two passengers had the same assigned seat, they first asked the two unfortunates to get off, but they both refused to do so. At that point he made a proposal to all the travelers who had already boarded: “As you have understood, we are overbooked. There was a problem at the gate and a decision needs to be made” said the stewardess who can be heard in a passenger’s social video published by Messaggero. “Since the passengers chosen to abandon the plane do not want to, we ask if there is a volunteer: he will receive compensation of 250 euros and the next flight for free”. Then the stewardess added: “We have little time, within 20 minutes we have to decide otherwise the flight will not take place.” At that point a boy got up and left his seat free and got off the plane with 250 euros in his pocket and the chance to take another free trip.

in-depth analysis

Ryanair flight fire from Bologna, emergency landing in Luxembourg

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