Wild spoofing, with one call they ruin your life: protect yourself before it’s late | All it takes is 30 seconds

Spoofing – font_depositphotos – jobsnews.it

One call and they could ruin your life, this is the result of servitude spoofing, but you can defend yourself in just 30 seconds.

In recent months there has been nothing but talk of telephone scams. Unfortunately, the complaints that are collected by the postal police are truly many every day. Unsuspecting citizens who do not know how to defend themselves from those who call them send messages pretending to be other people, and trying to rubate access to citizen data.

A scenario that unfortunately many of you reading this have probably found yourself in protagonists in spite of themselves. As if this wasn’t enough, in recent years call centers have started an illegal practice called spoofing.

This practice has been increasingly adopted by marketing call centers, it was designed to defend the work of these companies, which see their phone calls blocked automatically from the functioning of modern smartphones. Most modern devices are able to block what are called spam calls.

Generally when calls arrive from numbers not belonging to natural personsthe phone either blocks them completely, or indicates suspected spam on the screen. To overcome this, telemarketing companies had to use a simple trick.

A new way to cheat technology

What we commonly call call centres, those phone calls that come to us every day asking us to invest in Amazon, change electricity supply company or become a testimonial for a specific product, currently they use particular software.

Through this functioning I am able to create gods fictitious numbers, which do not allow devices to recognize them as spam. This way they are able to make phone calls to users, then hold them on the phone for very important minutes throughout the day. Unfortunately the risk is always the same when phone calls reach unsuspecting people, they can be the source of a major scam.

Spam alert – font_depositphotos – jobsnews.it

How you can defend yourself

Remembering that this particular Using the technology is not legal at allcurrently call centers instead of using an anonymous number decide to opt for these online services by creating fictitious mobile numbers

By searching the mobile number from which you are called on the Internet, you can understand whether it is a fake number or whether it is linked to a real user. Generally there are platforms where it is possible to report the telephone numbers to stay away from.

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