Driving violations: no motorist uses these mandatory devices anymore when driving | The research data is chilling

fine sanction useless to contest in these cases – Depositphotos.com – motorzoom.it

The Highway Code is perhaps one of the regulatory bodies that suffers not only the most protests, but also the most curses: it is truly hated by a large and growing number of people. Nevertheless?

What everyone should understand is that ithe Highway Codea certainly did not arise as a body of punitive laws regardless, and which if anything is entirely ours defence: a concept, perhaps difficult?

It would seem so, at least to see not only how many types of infringements, at all hours, every day and in all cities: but also the statistics hey reports that revolve around mobility.

Driving is actually becoming more difficult every day and it’s certainly not the fault of cars: on the contrary, today we are lucky enough to be able to find ourselves surrounded by super cars. high-performance, safe, comfortable.

Equipped with a thousand or more devices that help us on numerous occasions both to improve safety standards and driving quality, cars ‘communicate’ even with us, alerting us.

Incredible car mistakes: don’t make them

If we run the risk of skidding, of falling asleep, if there are slowdowns, if the tires are flat: they are countless the occasions in which the car saves us. And what about us? We reciprocate with actions that not only go against the main rules, not only do they put our lives and those of others at risk, but they also represent violations of some of the most obvious and obvious, necessary and useful ‘actions’ when comes on board. For example?

Recent statistics and analyzes tell a true story boom in infringements, athe steering wheel, which almost no motorist sees, or in short, almost no one uses mandatory devicesabsolutely necessary when driving. Data is scary: what isn’t used most of all?


Car devices, not using them is a serious risk

Let’s start from the arrows: the direction and signaling indicators, useful for changing lanes, turning and overtaking, is forgotten, according to recent estimates, aroundl 50.9 percent dand the cases, including the re-entry maneuvers and those of entering or exiting roads, ramps and the like.

And then the absolute evergreen, the use of seat belts which are still not used today: although it is lowered by drivers (about ten percent of cases), it is high for those behind in the car, equal to over 72 percent. This is a huge mistake. Not to mention those who don’t use systems withheld for children.

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