Serena Dandini in the square tonight for the premiere of ‘Stop the books’

Serena Dandini in the square tonight for the premiere of ‘Stop the books’
Serena Dandini in the square tonight for the premiere of ‘Stop the books’

The brilliant and ironic author and television presenter Serena Dandini will inaugurate the beginning of Fermo sui Libri, a journey that will continue until August 7th. It is a journey through the pages of those who tell stories, a review of literature, poetry, philosophy, essays, music and arts, in its ninth edition, which opens the dance tonight at 9.15 pm in the setting of Piazza Del Popolo. Following the common thread of the event, this year dedicated to Exempla, Dandino will propose her intense reflection entitled ‘The Revenge of the Muses’. In Fermo sui Libri he brings a very timely intervention on the Muses and the phenomenon of music. Muses are necessary. But if at the dawn of civilization poets invoked goddesses for inspiration, over time the role of muse was entrusted to mortals. Loved, desired, abandoned, idolized, portrayed in magnificent canvases, sung in unforgettable verses, but always as objects whose human dimension could be serenely overlooked. Instead they were women of flesh and blood, with dreams, passions, impulses and life, lots of life. Serena Dandini, Italian author and television presenter, of noble origins, decides to turn her gaze on them and, in the manner of Copernicus, carries out a revolution, putting the muse back at the center of her universe, finally no longer an object but a subject of her own destiny . Dandini’s career in the world of entertainment began as the author of Rai, television and radio programmes. Her comic talent emerged when, at the end of the 1980s, she was co-founder of the satirical program La TV delle donne (which launched comic actresses such as S. Guzzanti and F. Reggiani); the proven trio then brought on stage other successful programs. Free entry. For info: 3384162283

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