Missaglia: FuoriClasse doesn’t stop. New house for book exchange and other initiatives

A new house for exchanging books in Missaglia. The structure – which is located in Via Merlini, in front of the library – was inaugurated yesterday on the initiative of FuoriClasse within the scope of Reading Week which involved boys and girls from all the schools in the area: from nursery to primary school.

An image of the initiative staged yesterday morning in the heart of Missaglia

The “Scarabocchiando a casa di Chiara” nursery school, which had already collaborated with the parents’ association, symbolically adopted the house, officially ”discovered” on Wednesday 5 June in the presence of some classes of pupils. of the school by organizing a workshop for the little ones during the Halloween event. On that occasion, the representative Chiara had proposed installing a new volume exchange point in the center of Missaglia, offering to take care of it, keep it in order and carry out maintenance.

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Some images of the new structure

”The children already knew the other houses located in the various playgrounds in the hamlets and were therefore very knowledgeable about their functioning. It is in fact possible to leave a book already read which can become a brand new book for another child’ ‘he told us Amalia Guanella, president of FuoriClasse. ”A special thanks goes to our volunteer Salvatore, who, thanks to his passion for carpentry, lovingly built the five colorful houses for our children”.
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Present on behalf of the Municipality was the deputy mayor and councilor for culture Donatella Diacci who explained the importance of reading to the children. “A book is like a flying carpet that takes you to new adventures, new landscapes while sitting comfortably at home” said the administrator.

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Other moments of the morning involving children and volunteers

On the association’s website page you can find the updated map of the other houses which in order of installation are located in Contra, Lomaniga, Monticello, Maresso; all in the different playgrounds.

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The book-crossing is only the latest in a series of initiatives carried out by FuoriClasse. ”In April we enriched Saturday with our workshops during the Energiadi event, at the end of May we made the secondary school kids happy by organizing the “Fluo Ufo Party”. It was an unforgettable evening, characterized by music, buffet, fluorescent decorations and a spectacular themed display: a gigantic spaceship had in fact landed in the center of the multipurpose hall, creating a magical and engaging atmosphere” continued the president on behalf of the entire board and its volunteers.

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Some images of the Fluo Ufo Party

As for the next events, the usual middle school used school book market is scheduled for the end of June and something new; FuoriClasse will provide support to parents of third-secondary classes who organize the end-of-year party for the children who complete their school career in our institute.

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”We are very satisfied with how the association is progressing, during our events we often involve new volunteers from Missaglia, Maresso and Monticello. Everyone dedicates as much time as they can, each with their own skills and always in an atmosphere of celebration and mutual respect. New friendships are often born and everyone takes home the satisfaction of having done something significant for our children and teenagers” concluded Guanella, anticipating one last initiative.
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In September, in collaboration with the Municipality of Missaglia and the Missaglia running champion Monica Casiraghi, there will be a restyling of the Piedibus Project. More detailed information will follow in the coming weeks.

Anyone wishing to join the association or dedicate some of their free time to it can visit the website https://fuoriclasse.info/

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