Principal Ferretto has closed his latest book. Today the farewell in the Marano that he loved and “told about”

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In the box, Prof. Ferretto, in the background a postcard depicting a vintage photo of Marano

Multiple generations of alumni of Marano Vicentino they are heartbroken and close today to the professor’s family Massimo Ferrettolong “principal Ferretto” of the middle School. A figure who embodied the school institution and represented a cultural point of reference, with his passion for local history in particular, but also educational on a civic level for the town of Altovicentino. The professor. Ferretto, retired some time ago, had 82 years old (he was born in 1942) and with his wife Luigina and three children (Paolo, Fabio and Erica) he lived in Santa Maria.

There farewell ceremony solemn ceremony of the former teacher, writer and also journalist, in the past as correspondent of the Gazzettino, will be held Today afternoon at 15 in the parish church which stands in the town centre. Together with the other closest relatives in these days of mourning, the eight grandchildren accompanied their beloved grandfather on his last earthly journey.

For over 30 years Massimo Ferretto, as we said, was first a teacher and then “the principal”. Always in Marano Vicentino. An important role of coordinating teaching and fellow teachers as well as managing general affairs which in modern times has been redefined in the figure of the school manager. In his publications, the result of years of studying sources at a local level, he talked about the primary schools of the past, the kindergarten and the refugees of the Great War among the topics covered.

He received multiple awards for his scholarly work, even though he was someone who didn’t like the spotlight, taking care to carry on his projects quietly, so to speak, among books and documents. Insights dedicated to leaving memory of the past in the present, so as not to lose significant teachings and events that have marked the history of those who came before us. To confirm the above, here is the profound message of remembrance made public by family members, entrusted to the epigraph: “you loved simple things, the warmth of the home, your work as a professor and principal, books and history, school and your country. Your life was sober and essential and you walked on tiptoe.”

Also the Municipality of Marano, through the voice of the mayor Marco Guzzonato representing the entire community, expressed words full of praise and gratitude towards the prof. Underwire. “There are people whose charisma manages to embody values ​​and ideals in a powerful and significant way – we read in an excerpt from the long post published yesterday –: Massimo Ferretto represents for Marano the public school institution and the unconditional dedication to the educational profession, he was able to be a passionate promoter of works testifying to local historical memory, always drawing inspiration from them forcivic and social commitment in the present. Professor Ferretto’s discreet but unwavering work as a principal, administrator, historian and researcher is a priceless gift that helps solidify the civic consciousness of our community.”

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