Vercelli: Service in the name of culture with many books for schools

Vercelli: Service in the name of culture with many books for schools
Vercelli: Service in the name of culture with many books for schools

Service in the name of culture with many books for schools

Service in the name of culture with many books for schools

On Friday 31 May 2024, the delivery of a notable number of reading books was held at two schools in the city, the Gaudenzio Ferrari Middle School and the Luigi Verga Middle School, some of which were new, others in good condition.

Service in the name of culture

Thus, a service was created proposed by Inner Wheel Italia and organized by Inner Wheel Santhià Crescentino with the collaboration of the two local Rotaract Clubs: Rotaract Vercelli for the Vercelli schools and Rotaract Sant’Andrea Santhià Crescentino for the Sant’Ignazio Institute. The principals of the Vercelli middle schools, Fulvia Cantone and Rodolfo Rizzo with the Vice Principal Rosella Tona, greatly appreciated the generous gift. Present at the ceremony were the Inner Wheel President Anna Maria Santhià with two members of the Board Graziella Dellavalle and Cristina Bay and the Rotaract Vercelli President Claretta Breddo with the Secretary Elisa Vigino.
In fact, during the contacts Inner Wheel Santhià Crescentino had with schools it emerged that some institutes were equipping themselves with new spaces to be used as school libraries and were therefore looking for new or good books. It was therefore decided to dedicate a special service for this purpose, to ensure that the books were available to all school children who had expressed this need. Collaboration with the local Rotaract Clubs was therefore proposed, which they immediately accepted with enthusiasm. A large quantity of books was collected, which represent not only material goods, but also precious tools for growth and culture. In fact, it turned out that in the period following Covid there was a clear increase in the sale of children’s books and this denotes the growing need for reading. School libraries represent the most effective means of reaching a wider and broader audience.
During the delivery of the material, the President of Rotaract Vercelli Claretta Breddo, thanking for the opportunity of this collaboration, stated that this service also falls within the central theme of this Rotaractor year 2023/2024: young people.
The service, presented at the National Inner Wheel Forum on 16 May, was created thanks to a fruitful collaboration between Clubs, in the belief that “together is better”.

Read also: Mariella Enoc guest at the Vercelli Rotary Convivial

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