Gaspare Finali exiled in Sardinia, Falgio and Sanna’s book is presented in Cagliari

The experience of Gaspare Finali, Mazzinian ideas, minister, mayor, jurist, parliamentarian in the post-unification phase. For twenty months, between 1856 and 1858, he was an exile on the island where he held the role of chief accountant of an agricultural and industrial company based in Macomer. Researchers Walter Falgio And Daniele Sanna they dedicated to him “From exile in Sardinia to the institutions of the Kingdom, materials for a biography of Gaspare Finalipublished by Franco Angeli as part of the “Contemporary Sardinia” series of the Sardinian Institute for the history of anti-fascism and contemporary society (Issasco).

The volume will be presented tomorrow, Friday 24 May, at the State Archives of Cagliari (via Gallura 2) starting at 5.30pm. Speakers include, in addition to the authors, the director of the Archive Enrico Trogu, the professor of Private Law Anna Maria Mancaleoni and the historians Gian Giacomo Ortu and Marco Pignotti.

Central figure”

«The choice to dedicate a volume to the figure of Cesena – the editors of the work clarify – responds, first of all, to the need for a rereading of Gaspare Finali’s reflections on the Sardinian experience, undoubtedly little known and consequently little studied».

The book, which adds to the meritorious research work of the historian Gianfranco Murtas, analyzes the profile of a thinker and a man of action of the highest order in the pre-unification scenario and in the subsequent moment of the construction of Italy.

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