all individuals deserve equal rights

Reading the book ‘Casa Lampedusa’ by Antonio Ferrara stimulated us to reflect on the topic of emigration. The decision to leave one’s country in search of a better life requires extraordinary courage, considering the multiple challenges that migrants face during the journey, an experience that often turns into tragedy in which many of them lose their lives. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that not your entire migrant family arrives safely, just as happens to Khalid, one of the characters in the book, with his wife and daughter who do not survive the journey. The story highlights, especially through the figure of Khalid, the harsh reality of migrants, including risky journeys, ailments, endless checks, poor hygiene conditions, poorly equipped and poorly organized reception centres. All this without the certainty of positive integration within the country where he lands: his very stay in Salvatore’s family generates continuous encounters and cultural clashes. The book conveys the message that despite differences, all individuals deserve the same rights. Particularly touching is the role of Salvatore who, through reading, opens the door to knowledge and inclusion: after a difficult start, his relationship with Khalid improves thanks to mutual knowledge. Characters such as Deborah, who opens a library in Lampedusa, and Doctor Pietro, who dedicates himself to assisting migrants, add elements of inspiration to the story. The figure of Don Mimmo, then, with his courageous words in response to those who spread prejudices about immigrants, contributes to spreading a message of respect and acceptance. The book is very flowing and, although it deals with difficult and heavy themes, it is pleasant to read. Thanks to the narrative technique with which it is written and thanks to the fact that the events are filtered through the eyes of the protagonist, reading it is recommended for everyone.

Christian Tamburrini,

Nicole Roncaglia,

Alice Manfredi, Vittoria Zini, Luca Sani,

Matilde Venturelli,

Matteo Ruini

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