“The democracy of emotions”, the book on the political commitment of Michele Palazzo in Castellanza

In his career as a public administrator he has presented 303 motions, “to give voice to the unheard”. A real record, the result of “a simple life committed to the service of people”, which he brought Michele Palazzo, municipal councilor for years in Castellanzato collect all the proposals put forward with the “Dreaming of Castellanza” list for a city on a human scale, in a book.

The volume, entitled “The democracy of E…Motions”, edited by Paola Maria Castiglioni, with illustrations by Paolo Roversi, «he wants to leave – explains the volcanic Palazzo – a clue to the new generations for a noble policymade of commitment and passion at the service of the community.”

Of the 303 motions presented to the city council, very few were accepted: «There are less than five – Palazzo tells us -, among these I remember one against fascism and one on Count Visconte Cerini with respect to the square. All the others, including those on greenery and pedestrian areas in which I strongly believe, were rejected. But this isn’t enough for me to stop dreaming.”

On the cover, the caricature of Michele Palazzo holding the writing “Mr. I’m committed” summarizes his entire personality and his political commitment which began with the Communist Party and continued with the Sognare Castellanza civic list.

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