Six books on the flood, in photos and texts the urgency to tell and share

Six books on the flood, in photos and texts the urgency to tell and share
Six books on the flood, in photos and texts the urgency to tell and share

Six books in less than a year. Many photo but most of all stories, good. There’s a “seed” to be saved in what happened. L’flood it taught us something and there are those who felt the urgency to tell it. With publicationsbooks, podcasts And stories ended up in the library. This is what Guareschi makes Don Camillo’s Crucifix say after the flood: «We must save the seed. If the farmer has saved it, the seed will bear fruit, and the turgid and golden ears will give men bread, life and hope». It starts from here “Events that happened in Romagna” Of Leonardo Poli and Eugenio Dal Pane (Ithaca editions, 177 pages, 15 euros) and from what happened to Lugoaround the Collegiate and to his parish priest, Don Poliafter May 16, 2023: «This book was born from aurgency and the amazement at what happened – explains Dal Pane –. There was a achebut there was also a lot Well experienced to tell. In those days of May the Collegiate Church became a good place where to be, for everyone and Christians have had the opportunity to get dirty, immerse themselves in the life of the world and bring the hope that they have in their hearts. A bit of what happened on March 27, 2020 in San Pietro, when Pope francesco he said what was good for everyone: that the community saves. We experienced it.” And the book conveys it in different stories and words. Beyond 200 the testimonials arrived in less than a month: among them that of Cardinal Matteo Zuppiof the national director of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, Davide Prosperithe bishop of Imola, Giovanni Mosciatti, parish priests, mayors, volunteers, rescuers and rescuers. Also the photo book “In the mud. The flood of 2023. I burdel int è paciug” (The old bridge153 pages, 13 euros) was born in just over a week, he explains Gianmaria Zanottiauthor of the photos: «between me and Marzio Casalini, publisher of Ponte Vecchio in Cesena, there is a relationship of friendship and collaboration. Marzio lost everything in the flood, computers, books and warehouses, with 90 percent damage. But the way he is, instead of feeling sorry for himself, he wanted to make a book with the photos taken by me on May 17th and 18th.” A way to start over for the publisher, continues Zanotti: «The public responded well to the publication that took place sold out. The volume was intended to be a printed documentary, a chrono-history of those terrible days. Inside you can find many of mine photo and a section with shots of people. In the latest photographs there are also gods I smileda true message of hope.”
It has a historical approach “The water over the bridges. Disasters and other stories of the Lamone river”just released for Yanez Books. It is a book written by many people, which also bears the signature of the deputy editor of our newspaper, Samuele Marchi, who recounted the days offlood in Faenzaaccompanied by photographs of Raffaele Tassinari.
The essay by Miro Gamberini and Stefano Saviotti which reconstruct the historical evolution of the Lamone river in its often non-peaceful relationship with the city, retracing the history of its bridges, destroyed and rebuilt several times.
Big names instead go to compose “Resurfaced: stories of a flood” (Solferino publisher), edited by Matteo Cavezzali. «We wanted to involve ten writers representative of our territory – explains the curator -. Each of them wanted to tell the story of the flood in their own way: from the direct testimonies of Cristiano Cavinato those who managed to describe the flood with a noir story like Carlo Lucarelliuntil Mariangela Gualtieri who dedicated a poem to you.” The proceeds from this publication are gone in support of libraries affected by the flood. «These are texts written immediately after the event – ​​Cavezzali specifies – and for this reason they maintain a strong authenticity. They will be used to crystallize in the collective memory of Romagna what we experienced in those days”. Among the publications on the flood there are also “Souls in the mud. The flood in Romagna. True stories from the Apocalypse” Of Luca Giacomonipublished by Sunshine294 pages (20 euros), “The sunken treasure. Stories between mud and hope in the flood of 16-17 May 2023 in Emilia-Romagna” Of Andrea Ragini And Luca Lombroso (Artprint) and a book of poems “Our Romagna” Of Lia Bronzi (Setteponti Editions)

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